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ld: framework 'FirebaseCore' not found

I have a kmm app that uses Firebase. In the android project, the packages are found in the build process, the problem is with the ios app. When I try to build the iOS app, I receive the error: > ...
dhaval123's user avatar
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getCredentialAsync no provider dependencies found - please ensure the desired provider dependencies are added

I tried to run the test app with Firebase and when I click the button Sign in , it prints me error : getCredentialAsync no provider dependencies found - please ensure the desired provider dependencies ...
Nox's user avatar
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Why Firebase cloud functions are slow with minInstances 1 [closed]

Why my Firebase cloud functions are slow even if I put minInstances to 1. I have tested a simple function and it takes more than 1 second every time. If I call the same function 2 times, the second ...
Cipri's user avatar
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How to add several Firebase snapshotListeners using flows Kotlin Android [closed]

I want to get two lists from collections both with live updates. They have different references, so I am adding two separate snapshotListeners. As far as I am concerned, it is is recommended to use ...
AL Z's user avatar
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.setValue(null) vs .removeValue() in Firebase

What is the difference between .setValue(null) and .removeValue() to delete a value in the Firebase Realtime Database? I mean is there any technical reason to use a particular method? I saw these two ...
Sayan Basak's user avatar
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How i find the key for firebase Messaging Cloud

I can´t find the server key, when i tried to use i recive a LogCat (my application work with kotlin and Android Studio like that:"E Error: Status Code 401, Data: INVALID_KEY INVALID_KEY Error ...
Ruan's user avatar
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Problem with firebase notification redirecting to activity

I use firebase for notification handling, and I want notifications with TEST_ACTION which is my clickable action in payload to send me to my RecognizeUserActivity, everything works okay except one ...
s0mething001's user avatar
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Open a browser from firebase push-notification without launching the application?

I want a simple feature, when application is in killed state I want it to open a browser instead of application when user clicks on the notification. public void showNotification(Context context) { ...
Kanwarpreet Singh's user avatar
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What causes android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce to appear in stack traces, and how can I resolve it?

I am firebase a ARN in my Android application, and I see android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce repeatedly in the stack trace. Below is a snippet of the main (native):tid=1 systid=11683 #00 pc ...
Parth UMARANIYA's user avatar
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firebase module compiled with incompatible version of Kotlin version 1.9.9999?

firebase-auth-api_firebase-auth-api.kotlin_module: Module was compiled with an incompatible version of Kotlin. The binary version of its metadata is 1.9.9999, expected version is 1.7.1. I'm at wits ...
JimEli's user avatar
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KMM error: java.lang.SecurityException: Unknown calling package name ''

Any idea how to solve this error using Firebase Auth: suspend fun createNewUser(user: UserInfo, password: String) { val userCredential = auth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(, password) ...
Cipri's user avatar
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Firebase.remoteConfig => crash with IllegalStateException (but only for tiny fraction of users)

I am using firebase remote config in my app. I get rare IllegalStateException crashes when using this call (crash happens when accessing remoteConfig instance): Firebase.remoteConfig.fetchAndActivate()...
qkx's user avatar
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Kotlin version incompatibility when building apk with Flutter - Android Studio

I got this error when building my apk: C:/Users/Hao/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-stdlib-common/1.9.10/dafaf2c27f27c09220cee312df10917d9a5d97ce/kotlin-stdlib-common-1....
Quoc Hao's user avatar
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FirebaseMessagingService on Android does not work after application is removed from background

I have this Notification Service: @AndroidEntryPoint class MessagingService : FirebaseMessagingService() { override fun onNewToken(token: String) { super.onNewToken(token) } ...
coDeR's user avatar
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Error: getCredentialAsync no provider dependencies found

I am trying to build signin with google button in android studio and after running the code and downloading all the dependencies after following the video in this documentation and referring the steps ...
hrishikesh deoghare's user avatar

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