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How do I call a cloud function using a service account from another cloud function?

I'm using cloud functions gen 1 and Node. The function in question is firebase authentication triggered, so it runs when a user signs up for my app. I can get a GoogleAuth token, but the target ...
arthurz12345's user avatar
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next js error with liveblocks and yjs and cloudfare/firebase

I tried to make a yjs blockNote with liveblocks as provider but I have a problem that when the block note appear in the page the data not fetching so the block note looks blank and when I make any ...
YACIN EL KAMALI's user avatar
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Exception during Firebase set up in Microsoft Azure Function (Node)

I'm setting up firebase server side on my Azure Function App, using Node 20 and firebase-admin v13.0.1 (Firebase Admin Node.js SDK) I'm having problem with setting up firebase. This is the ...
Kaiak's user avatar
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Why do Firebase return "Analytics: Firebase Analytics is not supported in this environment" when connecting a NextJS app with Firebase Analytics?

I am currently building an web app using Firebase and Nextjs. I am having trouble adding analytics to the nextjs app in the firebase config file. This is my Firebase config.ts file: import { ...
Mads Kaiser's user avatar
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How can I get traceId in a Firebase cloud function?

I would like to propagate traceId between a couple microservices in Firebase/GCP by 1) getting the traceId from the root service, and 2) propagating it using "x-cloud-trace-context" in the ...
Dan Shores's user avatar
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Calling a cloud function "OnCall" from another function "OnCall" (with token)

I need to secure my Cloud Functions and I don't know how to call a function from another function by passing it the right Firebase token. How do I generate a valid idToken? 1°Function const { ...
Luciano d'Agostino's user avatar
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Firebase admin SDK in NodeJs FirebaseAppError: connect ETIMEDOUT

I am trying to integrate the Firebase Admin SDK into my backend Node.js service to send messages based on the official FCM documentation. However, every time I start the service, it gets stuck at the ...
dbwdbw1's user avatar
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How to View Firebase Cloud Messaging Notifications Sent via Cloud Functions?

I am currently using Firebase Cloud Functions to send notifications via Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). Notifications are being successfully sent, as confirmed by the logs in the Cloud Function and ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Firebase Cloud Functions missing permission on the build service account

To deploy NodeJS (2nd Gen) cloud functions to a Firebase project, I use the firebase deploy —-only functions command. following is the code base. import {onDocumentWritten} from "firebase-...
Sameera Tennakoon's user avatar
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How to handle authentication in a backend using Firebase Admin SDK and Express with TypeScript?

I am implementing sign-in logic for my app's backend, built using Express with TypeScript, and leveraging the Firebase Admin SDK. However, after exploring the methods provided by the auth instance and ...
Simo D.'s user avatar
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Firestore onDocumentWritten Trigger Not Firing on Document Writing in Cloud Functions with node

I am building a Firebase project where I need to run a cloud function whenever a document is created in a specific Firestore collection. I'm using Node.js with the Firebase Admin SDK and have set up ...
ziperm's user avatar
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Firestore Admin SDK always gives "No QuerySnapshot Result" error

When doing a database query for my Firebase collection, it always gives me a "No QuerySnapshot Result" error, even if there are documents matching the query. try { const diaryReference = ...
octopus's user avatar
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Firebase Emulators cannot import module even when VSCode shows that the imported module has already been properly referenced

I have a Typescript project that is compiled to JS before being used to run as an emulated Firebase Functions. My functions/lib/index.js import ENV from './configs/dotenv'; import * as admin from '...
Richard's user avatar
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Firebase functions/Nodemailer sending email to myself when a form is submited

I want to use firebase functions with nodemailer to receive emails when a contact form is submited. The form is being saved in my database and then i want to use it in my index.js file with a function ...
nikobinev's user avatar
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Can't init firebase cloud storage due to cloud resource location

I’m using Firebase emulators to develop and test Cloud Functions locally, and one of my use cases involves uploading a file to Cloud Storage. As part of this process, I initialize Firebase emulators ...
Fabio Moggi's user avatar

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