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Receiving double push notification in my flutter app with firebase

I am receiving push notifications in my flutter app and using firebase. When sending through firebase I receive it only once and when sending through backend server I receive it twice. I am using ...
Sahil Nag's user avatar
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Customizing push notification design from FCM for Android/iOS

How am I able to customize the design of the push notification received from FCM? FCM states that if app is backgrounded/killed and it contains a notification payload, it will automatically be ...
Zysora's user avatar
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Push Notifications Across Many React Native Apps without Firebase

My company creates white-labeled mobile apps using React Native & we need to setup mobile push notifications for each of those white-labeled mobile apps. What's the right approach here? Firebase &...
Zyad Elgohary's user avatar
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Problem with FCM (Firebase Notifications) and multiple APNS tokens from the same app

When using FCM app registers APNS token via Messaging.messaging().setAPNSToken(pushToken, type: .prod) This method correlates APNS token with FCM token so later when FCM token is used for sending push ...
Heps's user avatar
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IOS Push Notification Error with flutter firebase

enter image description here I am trying to add push notification with firebase to my flutter project. As a result of the request I made with Postman, I am getting NotRegistered error, and I am ...
kubilaydrk's user avatar
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React Native push notifications in XCode and Firebase

I am developing an app in React Native and I use Firebase connected via the react-native-firebase package. I want to implement phone authentication and to do so I need push notifications to be enabled ...
seven's user avatar
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Update Live Activity using remote push notification in SwiftUI

I am trying to update live activities using remote push notifications. I am creating a live activity like this: do{ let activity = try Activity<LiveMatchesAttributes>.request(attributes: ...
user14367248's user avatar
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Firebase Notification Composer: How to set notification priority to "high"?

As you know, notifications with low-priority does not trigger didReceiveRemoteNotification in iOS when app is in background state. I can trigger didReceiveRemoteNotification via using firebase admin ...
Dovik's user avatar
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Flutter iOS push not being received

I have an issue with push notifications not being received on an iOS device in my Flutter app. I tried to follow this guide: Steps I have ...
davdog00's user avatar
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How to prove that I'm not receiving iOS silent notification through Firebase platform or otherwise

I'm trying to handle silent notification sent to me from by backend which triggers Firebase services and it (probably?) triggers Apple servers to send the push. I've selected Remote notifications and ...
Paweł Brewczynski's user avatar
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Notification Hub vs Azure Function triggered FCM vs Direct FCM calls, Which one to choose?

I am confused between option to send a notification to mobile. I have a backend created in .Net core deployed on Azure. Now push notification must be sent to mobile devices when admin launches new ...
Ajay Kumar's user avatar
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Adding buttons to Firebase Push notifications (APNs)

Here is a picture of the notification that comes in Google Calendar I want to set up the below buttons like this, if the user wants to turn it off or keep it,How can I add these buttons,is it coming ...
githma amarasinghe's user avatar
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Unable to retrieve device token on iOS app

We have use-case where we need to send push notification from our backend to buildfire application. And in order to do so, we would need device token on backend. We tried to extract it using following ...
Raeesaa's user avatar
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Add deep link when creating Firebase message

I'm using the firebase Message class to create push notifications for a react native app. I want the notification to take users to a specific screen of the app. Right now tapping on the push ...
Victor Cui's user avatar
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Flutter-Push notification should not show when user is in chatroom specially in iOS

Push notification is integrated using firebase in the flutter app. I am getting a notification when I am in the same chatroom, it should be like when we are in a chatroom we should not get any type of ...
Abhi.Kyros's user avatar

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