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Why can't I build my APK? Getting Execution failed for task ':url_launcher_android:compileDebugJavaWithJavac' during build process

When I execute the commands flutter run or flutter build apk, I encounter an error, and my application fails to build. Why is this happening? >> flutter run Launching lib/main.dart on sdk ...
Daniel Prince's user avatar
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How to preprocess an image to match TFLite model input shape [1, 640, 640, 3] in Flutter?

Problem: I am working on a Flutter project where I need to run a TensorFlow Lite (TFLite) object detection model. The model has specific input and output shape requirements, and I am encountering ...
yousef sultan's user avatar
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Flutter Drift : update from another table with join

Is it possible to write with Drift syntax an update like update edge_table set status = tb2.status from asset_table as tb2 where I was thinking of something like this but i can't ...
Nathalie's user avatar
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How can I retrieve 3 collections from Firestore in a FutureBuilder? Using Future.wait but getting errors

I need to pull three lists from Firestore before building my UI. Using a Future.wait I am getting an error. Here is my code: Here is the declaration of the variables for the futures: // Variables ...
TM Lynch's user avatar
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Google Sign In using Amplify

I am integrating Google Sign In with Amplify but I cannot get rid of the full redirect url in the Auth Screen. It looks ugly and I wouldn't care if it says just It's for a flutter ...
Alvaro's user avatar
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How to fix "/home/victor/snap/flutter/common/flutter/packages/flutter_tools/gradle/build/classes/groovy/main/"

I'am use linux mint,I was try install flutter sdk from snap but when run app will get this error. startup failed: /home/victor/snap/flutter/common/flutter/packages/flutter_tools/gradle/build/classes/...
Youssef Hussein's user avatar
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Emulator top bar is cropping when using VS Code and flutter

Trying flutter for the first time. When I launch my flutter app in emulator, its app bar is not visible as it is being cropped. See screenshot below. At first, I thought there is some issue with app ...
Frank Martin's user avatar
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How to make the ingredient list align at the center while keeping the current layout

Based on the photo and code below, how do I make the ingredient list align at the center along with the ingredients title? I tried using custom width for both of the SizedBox for the ingredients, but ...
Tunku Rafi's user avatar
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build an interactive map application [closed]

I would like to develop a mobile application that provides the user with a detailed, geo-located interactive map of a specific area. The goal is to accurately locate the user and provide a pre-defined ...
xvi ivx's user avatar
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Emulator stuck on rendering website using flutter app

I built flutter app that renders website content directly using webview, but my emulator keeps loading for so long time, just displaying my website url. What i have attempted so far Delete and create ...
Mlimbila's user avatar
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Adding shared_prefrences package to flutter gives error

So i was making a project and i wanted to save the data locally. So i added shared preferences package to my flutter project step by step as shown in this link:
Divya Rathod's user avatar
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How can I test my Flutter code on an iOS emulator using Android Studio while working on a Windows machine?

In Android Studio, I am testing my Flutter code on an Android emulator, but I want to test it on iOS as well. How can I do this on a Windows machine? If you're testing your Flutter code on an Android ...
arslan's user avatar
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Flutter display snackbar above scrollable bottom sheet and keep the shrinkwrap of the ListView.builder

The problem is that many people suggest wrapping your bottom sheet with a Scaffold widget, but that's an issue if you have isScrollControlled: true and ListView.builder with shrinkwrap inside the ...
Kirill's user avatar
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Only-data messages being collapsed and dropped in iOS

I want to send multiple data messages to my flutter app. I was working with notifications as they were sent in all states (foreground, background, terminated) but found that they are being collapsed. ...
OKKO's user avatar
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Showing void api result with listview builder

well i have a little problem with the listview builder , i make a request on a api and i am upposed to display the result depending on the length of the result, it works very well but when i have no ...
Deenan Djigbenou's user avatar

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