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Google Maps - Address Validation in Blazor/C#

I almost have it... but now I am getting a "404 - not found" error return. What am I missing?? (using the guide at:
Richard Thorgeirson's user avatar
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Why would "standardizedAddress" stop showing in responses from Google Address Validation

I've been using Google's new Address Validation API for quite a few months. This morning multiple customers have told me they're getting a response that "standardizedAddress" is not found. ...
Joe Crescenzi's user avatar
-4 votes
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Google Maps / Validation Error for specific address

This is not a technical question. How do I go about getting Google to correct a validation error? This isn't a feature request and their bug reporting didn't read like that was the correct place ...
FXTran IT's user avatar
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How to validate addresses in Google Sheets?

I'm trying to validate a list of addresses in a google sheet column, and create from it a well formatted new column(s). I came across the Google Maps Address validation API but I'm not sure how to use ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Google Address Validation API to Magento 2 Using Avalara Avatax

Has anyone else had a problem integrating Google's Address Validation API into Magento 2's Avalara Avatax? It's almost as if the API key is restricted. Although it's currently unrestricted. Our ...
Ren's user avatar
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Google Apps Script call Address Validation API

Simple code and straightforward. It works with postman but fails with Apps Script. function validateAddress () { const url = ''; ...
sangnandar's user avatar