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How to track conversion in Google Ads for every link click in a page?

I have a Wordpress page and I need to track all clicks as Google Ads conversion so I've found that I can use the entire page as a link with the following code: <html> <body onclick='...
Tiago Rossi's user avatar
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AdWords count conversion on click event jquery

I want to count a conversion when a button is clicked. For this I have moved google's conversion code into my main.js file and I attached the code to a click event: function gtag_report_conversion(...
Roman's user avatar
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Google Ads Malware

Google ads did a scan of my WordPress site running in the Stockholm template and found the following malware - Where do I find and disable/remove this?
Marcelle's user avatar
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Image slide in/out from left with time on browser refresh [closed]

Actually i am trying to create Animated Banner Ads, same like this...
Karar Barcha's user avatar
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Check if image exists without getting 404 error (adWords fails)

I have a site where you can search for products. All product images are named like img/product/{id}.jpg. Some product images are missing, and if they are image_missing.jpg should be displayed instead....
Jens Månsson's user avatar
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how to put adwords code in ajax query method in php?

var $Form = $("#Form").validate({ rules: { Name: { required: true } }, messages: { Name: { required: 'Please enter your name', } ...
Bhavesh Patel's user avatar
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Google AdWords Conversion on AJAX Form?

We have been asked by a client to add their AdWord Conversion tracking code to a landing page following the completion of an enquiry form, the problem is the form is AJAX based so there is no “landing ...
Thomas James's user avatar
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Insert adwords tracker using php include and jQuery load method

Lately I received a project made from another programmer but is giving me some issues, the app is like a wizard form, and inside of this php page there is a include page is like a warning or something,...
Pedro's user avatar
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An error occured while the tag was fired: net::ERR_ABORTED

I am using google adword tag in my project. I have placed all the adword data in a separate js plugin file which looks like below: (function ($) { $.fn._djconversion = function (options) { ...
Anadi's user avatar
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Cannot set property 'postscribe' of null

When I am calling "postscribe" then it's showing that: Cannot set property 'postscribe' of null. My code is $(document).on('click', '.btn', function () { google_ad_client = "pub-...
Sukhvindra Singh's user avatar
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Is there a way to remove object in the datalayer?

Is there a way to remove object in the datalayer? As seen on the picture, there are two 'google_tag_params' object. I just need one. First push is onload then the second push on dataLayer in a js call....
Eleven's user avatar
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Count clicks (conversions) in Google Adwords

I have a contact form in a website and I want to count how many people have clicked in it and know whatever Google knows about them. That's what I want it to do: The button is clicked The fields are ...
jdlcgarcia's user avatar
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Google Adwords multiple scripts in one page

I need to put two (google adwords) scripts in same page. Is it safe to put two scripts at same page ? <!-- Google Code for 2016-05 transaction tracking Conversion Page --> <script type="text/...
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Dynamically populate google_tag_params on document ready

I am using google_tag_params for Adwords. I am trying to set it after the page has loaded because the value I want is not introduced until an Ember component has rendered. <script type="text/...
stevenpslade's user avatar
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Tracking Google Adwords conversion by class name instead of onclick event

I would like to track clicks on my links with Google Adwords Conversion. But I have no chance to insert a onclick event in the link (the CMS don't allows this). But I can insert a class name in the ...
stig's user avatar
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