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Google Directory API - 403 [Not Authorized to access this resource/api] for Method: roles.list

I am using Google Directory API .NET Client to fetch a list of roles in a domain ( I use a service account to ...
Nolik's user avatar
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How to upload media to Display Video 360 using the .NET API client?

I'm communicating with Google's Display & Video 360 Service API from my .NET application. To achieve that, I'm using the Google.Apis.DisplayVideo.v3 package:
Peter Bosák's user avatar
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google business reviews, service account "Request had invalid authentication credentials"

I'm trying to fire a request to "" to get my business reviews out. I have access to the google business API and by ...
Stuart Palmer's user avatar
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ASP.NET MVC 5 Google Api mybusinessInformation

I try to get the reviews for an enterprise to show it on their website. But I can't connect, I have all ready uri redirect mismatch. I am developing with ASP.NET MVC 5, C#, I tried app.authgoogleAuth ...
M.S.WebFustion's user avatar
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Get Folders via Google Drive Api

I am using following service code to retrieve folders of the users. I enabled the drive api and want to use service account... There are folders in drive but Execute returns none. What might be ...
TalTrade's user avatar
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Google Workspace users for authentication in ASP.NET MVC 5 apps

Is it possible to setup authentication via my organization's Google Workspace users? I have several ASP.NET MVC 5 web apps that I want to protect via Google's Workspace users authentication. Link to ...
Hammad Ahmed's user avatar
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How to upload video to my YouTube channel programmatically on the C#?

I want to upload videos to my YouTube channel programmatically, but when I try to upload using API Key, I got the error in response, that this API don't support API Key. When I try using OAuth, my ...
Vladislav Yurevich's user avatar
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How to use a user token/refresh token when using the Google Calendar API with the .net library

I have a Blazor App which has a calendar. I want to sync the event from the app calendar, to the users Google Calendar. I am using the 'Authorization Code Flow'. I have succeeded in getting the first ...
Greg Gum's user avatar
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Gmail Api - List Messages Without a Specific Label

I am using Google.Apis.Gmail.v1 within a c# project and I am getting a list of messages via the Users.Messages.List(...) function. Before executing the call to Google, I also set the Q property to ...
andydnd's user avatar
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How to use a cross-project service user to auth in Google Play Developer API

In my current setup, I am only able to have a service account in a shared project called ProjectA. This project is solely used for creating Service Accounts (SA). Afterwards, I invite the SA to my own ...
Lucas Stern's user avatar
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.NET Google Workspace API getting error CS0266

I am generating a user and populating them into our Google Workspace environment but I cannot seem to get the CustomSchemas to work. I have fiddled around with a few different ways to format it but I ...
Joey 's user avatar
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Google Drive Delta Changes report moved folder but not the files inside that folder

I have implemented Google Drive delta changes logic in my program in C#. var request = service.Changes.List(pageToken); request.Spaces = "drive"; request.IncludeRemoved = false; request....
Gags's user avatar
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C# Google API for requesting a list of users returns "badRequest"

I have been looking for information on this for a couple days now. I believe I have everything relevant to the API set up correctly for access but I keep getting this error: The service admin has ...
Joey 's user avatar
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Problem retrieving files in Google Drive using .NET SDK

I am using Google Drive SDK for the first time and based on some examples I came up with this code: using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2; using Google.Apis.Drive.v3; using Google.Apis.Services; namespace ...
rbasniak's user avatar
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Google API: Access mailbox to query mails

IDE: MS Visual Studio - C# Code Screenshot: Code ServiceAccountCredential cred; //UserCredential cred; string[] scopes = new string[] { GmailService.Scope.GmailLabels, GmailService....
Jonathan's user avatar

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