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Lack of notification from loyalty object update

Updating a loyalty object Following the request body
jimgug's user avatar
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Token to transfer reseller on Google Workspace Product

Is there any way to fetch token transfer of a customer who whishes to change your Google Workspace reseller??? Ex: Customer A bought Google Workspace Business Plan from reseller KingHost company. ...
Caê Arduino's user avatar
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Ruby authentication to access Google sheets after OOB ban

I can't understand how to access to sheets after OOB deprecation. Here there is no example and the sample project, Quickstart, https://...
PuzzledDavid's user avatar
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Ruby require - cannot load such file -- google/api_client

I'm trying to write a ruby script to upload youtube videos, but I can't get past this line: require 'google/api_client' I get this error: `require': cannot load such file -- google/api_client (...
soleil's user avatar
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Google Analytics Reporting v4 with streams instead of views

I've just created a new Google Analytics property and it now defaults to data streams instead of views. I had some code that was fetching reports through the API that I now need to updated to work ...
Julien's user avatar
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Ruby - Google Analytics 4, where is the view_id?

So i have a project where i use 'google/apis/analytics_v3' to make some requests and get some data, the thing is that i need a view_id to do that. @service.get_ga_data(VIEW_ID, @start_date, @end_date, ...
Manolo's user avatar
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Google My Business API always return Invalid Requests

I'm building an app that get all the google reviews from the connected user. I want to use Google My Business API for that. I have made all the prerequisites Google asked for, and I have activated the ...
Maxim's user avatar
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How to upload a file to a shared drive with Google API Drive v3 ruby gem

I am trying to upload a file to a shared drive, however; if I set my drive_id in the options parameters, it still used my default drive, which is "My Drive". What am I doing wrong? (The ...
sclem72's user avatar
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Google Service Account doesn't have permission to create folder

In Google Cloud Platform, I created a project. Then I enabled Google Drive API for that project. Then I created a service account. I was able to upload file to Google Drive with that service account ...
Dong Nguyen's user avatar
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Is the Google auth documentation out of date? Is the Google QuickStart guides still relevant for Gmail API? [duplicate]

I am using a command line Ruby script to access emails in a Gmail inbox. The documentation is here for the Google Auth library for Ruby: The Ruby ...
Phil's user avatar
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YouTube Data API v3 update_video fails with ArgumentError

Problem Using the google-apis-youtube_v3 gem I can upload a video, delete a video, insert captions, delete captions, and set a thumbnail image. The only thing that that for some reason does not work ...
EK0's user avatar
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How to retrieve full size user profile photo now that GooglePlus is deprecated?

Our service implemented code in 2015 to pull original photo of user profiles from the GooglePlus API using the ruby gem google-api-client And although we can still pull photos for a lot of the older ...
VinnyQ77's user avatar
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Ruby YouTube Data API v3 insert caption always returns error

I am trying to use the Ruby SDK to upload videos to YouTube automatically. Inserting a video, deleting a video, and setting the thumbnail for a video works fine, but for some reason trying to add ...
EK0's user avatar
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How do I refresh my google_oauth2 access token and refresh token?

I have an app that uses the Google Calendar API and I seem to have a corrupt/defunct access token and/or refresh token which is resulting in the following error: Signet::AuthorizationError ...
sledge_909's user avatar
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Authenticating to Google Vault API -- getting 400 response with message: "The user does not belong to a G Suite customer."

I'm trying to do a simple query from the Google Vault API using JSON credentials provided from the Google API console for a service account. I'm getting a 400 response (Invalid Request / Invalid ...
Jeff's user avatar
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