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Detecting GooglePlayServices availability does not work

UPDATE: Probably fixed in GPS v12 but some people still report that nothing has changed. See this thread on google issue tracker. I have encountered a problem with detecting Google Play Services ...
Bartosz Wilk's user avatar
7 votes
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Failed to resolve:

I'm using Android Studio and have cloned the CastVideo v2 reference app and set it up with the CastCompanionLibrary as per its instructions. However, when I try to sync the gradle project, it says: ...
Alex Meuer's user avatar
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How do you find your Google Cast App ID (app_id) in the 2017 Google Play Developer Console?

I can no longer find the app_id that is required for the implementation of Google Play Services including Google Cast, In-app Billing, etc. Example: CastOptions castOptions = new CastOptions....
Dallas Charter's user avatar
3 votes
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Google play service 4.2 available in USA?

i'm trying to find the google play service 4.2 in the SDK which is a rev 15 as per google. But, I see only rev 14 in the SDK manager. Do I have to do something special to get the latest version? I'm ...
Zeus's user avatar
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remoteMediaPlayer.requestStatus(...) returns statusCode SIGN_IN_REQUIRED

I have a radio application which plays live radio stations on Google Chromecast. Starting a stream with remoteMediaPlayer.load(...) works just fine. But remoteMediaPlayer.requestStatus(...) for later ...
user4500's user avatar
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After integrate cast framework app crashes when opening

After integrate cast framework app crashes when opening.when google it everyone says device must update their google play services. How to prevent those errors. Log says: java.lang.RuntimeException: ...
Karthik G's user avatar
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Unable to upload APK with Google Play Services 6.1 to the Play Store

I updated the Play Services SDK because I heard there were new Chromecast features, but when I try to upload an APK built with the latest Google Play Services I get the following error: You uploaded ...
casolorz's user avatar
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What does CastStatusCode 2004 (APPLICATION_NOT_FOUND) mean?

I encountered this error code in my application and was wondering why this might occur (when casting via Chromecast from an app). The definition doesn't help explain much. What would be a use case ...
SwagDaddySteve's user avatar
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Disabling Cast SDK data analytics

I am currently using Google Cast SDK in my iOS and Android app. I see on iOS that Google Cast SDK collects the following but I do not see ...
Jasmine Chan's user avatar
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What is CastStatusCode 2252?

The onEnded event when ending a cast session on an Android device has given me a status code of 2252. I don't see this code documented anywhere here. Does anyone know the root cause of this code?
SwagDaddySteve's user avatar
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Google cast ApiClient.connect failed return ConnectionResult{statusCode=Service_INVALID,resolution=null}

In my google cast app of android. When execute to mApiClient.connect(); return failed as following information: ConnectionResult{statusCode=Service_INVALID,resolution=null}. I have installed ...
cc5zhenhua's user avatar