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ChromeCast add tag <script> for dpad controls

I am using "ChromeCast HD". When loading the cast receiver I see an extra tag <script src="
Алексей Обронов's user avatar
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Google Cast - setMediaInformation not working in addCustomMessageListener

I use the plugin Cast to broadcast Internet radio from a mobile app(Flutter - Android/iOS) to Chromecast. I used a custom receiver(on a Google cast device). in general, everything works, but I can't ...
FetFrumos's user avatar
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Chromecast times out during custom sender/receiver playback

I'm developing a custom chromecast app, and one of the chromecast devices I'm testing with will timeout (or go to the screensaver for a different reason) exactly 5 minutes after casting no matter what ...
Aaron Gayle's user avatar
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Chromecast Web Receiver - Change button location for Chromecast Google TV

I've succesfully implemented a web receiver and now started customizing ControlSlots with some ControlButtons like so: const controls = cast.framework.ui.Controls.getInstance(); controls....
YTZ's user avatar
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Screen mirroring using ChromeCast SDK

I am building a screen mirroring app in android using media projection. Now, I want to mirror my mobile screen chromeCast enabled devices like Vizio SmartCast Tv, and other chromeCast device. Can I ...
VishV's user avatar
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Flutter how to read the device capabilities?

Flutter application, I am using Bonsoir 2.0.0 to fetch the available devices. I use service type as _googlecast._tcp. I am able to detect devices but I would like to filter the devices based on device ...
Raghu Mudem's user avatar
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Widevine license format expected by Chromecast receiver

For video assets protected with Widevine DRM, my CDN's license server returns a base64-encoded license in this form: { "getWidevineLicenseResponse": { "license": "...
Ptumster's user avatar
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Is WebM live streaming supported on Chromecast?

WebM is listed as a supported format on Chromecast, but does that include live webm files? I.e. a camera that generates a WebM file. Does it need to be formatted in a certain way, or is a custom ...
SOSparachuter1's user avatar
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Could a custom receiver support other streaming protocols?

The documentation outlines HLS and MPEG-Dash (among others) that are supported. From an Android sender, I'd like to stream a low latency protocol like WebRTC or RTP, could a custom reciever be made to ...
SOSparachuter1's user avatar
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How to securely store key in a Custom Google Cast Web Receiver app?

In my Custom Web Receiver Google Cast app I need some security key which enables application to function properly. This key should never be exposed to any user. Users will start and use the app ...
Matevz's user avatar
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How to handle ClearKey DRM content on a custom receiver (Chromecast)?

I'm trying to create a custom chromecast receiver that is able to play clearkey protected content. How can i use the clearkey from the receiver side to achieve that.
Jorgy's user avatar
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Flutter iOS Chromecast doesn't request for NSLocalNetworkUsageDescription

I have a problem with a flutter app, whenever I call GCKCastContext.sharedInstance().presentCastDialog() the cast device popup shows, it says to check settings to make sure that Local Network Access ...
bypass112's user avatar
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Android Chromecast Sender won't update title and images

I've followed the instruction from Google on how to cast media metadata to chromecast, the initial loading is fine, it will show the title, image and play the stream, but my problem is that I am ...
bypass112's user avatar
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Integrating bitmovin player in chrome cast custom receiver web app

I am trying to integrate bitmovin player with custom reciver web app but i could not control the player once casted. How to remotely control the player using the sender?
harshith ch's user avatar
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Chromecast Application published but not show on store

I published my app on Google Cast SDK but it still does not show on And my app does not open android tv app like when using dev mode. What should I do ...
Nguyen Tan Hung's user avatar

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