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Google Cast - setMediaInformation not working in addCustomMessageListener

I use the plugin Cast to broadcast Internet radio from a mobile app(Flutter - Android/iOS) to Chromecast. I used a custom receiver(on a Google cast device). in general, everything works, but I can't ...
FetFrumos's user avatar
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Screen mirroring using ChromeCast SDK

I am building a screen mirroring app in android using media projection. Now, I want to mirror my mobile screen chromeCast enabled devices like Vizio SmartCast Tv, and other chromeCast device. Can I ...
VishV's user avatar
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Could a custom receiver support other streaming protocols?

The documentation outlines HLS and MPEG-Dash (among others) that are supported. From an Android sender, I'd like to stream a low latency protocol like WebRTC or RTP, could a custom reciever be made to ...
SOSparachuter1's user avatar
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Android Chromecast Sender won't update title and images

I've followed the instruction from Google on how to cast media metadata to chromecast, the initial loading is fine, it will show the title, image and play the stream, but my problem is that I am ...
bypass112's user avatar
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How to play IMA ads on Chromecast from sender app ( Android )

Hi everyone just wondering if anyone knew what we need to do to play IMA ads on chrome cast from a sender app, From what I understand reading the docs the only way to play it is to send a message to ...
Manendra De Mel's user avatar
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Show subtitles on the Styled Media Receiver Google Cast with communication messages

I am trying to start an mp4 stream on a Chromecast that also shows the subtitles (vtt files) I saw that it was added in the native libraries. But I could not find the payload messages that are used to ...
vanlooverenkoen's user avatar
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Custom Web Receiver to Cast HLS AES-128 encrypted content?

I'm trying to add Google Cast support into my existing audio app. Content is streamed via hls protocol and is AES-128 encrypted. Do i need to provide my Custom Web Receiver in order to playback the ...
nvr's user avatar
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How to connect my ATV app with my sender app?

i can not figure out how to connect my ATV app with my sender APP through a developer console. Should I have a custom web receiver anyway? Or can i have only Android TV app without a html5 app for ...
com111's user avatar
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Is that possible to cast screen/app instead of media?

is that possible to cast screen/app with google cast/chromecast. I found option to cast media but i can't found how to cast whole app screen with google cast. is there any way to cast screen instead ...
Rahul Bhogayata's user avatar
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How to play sound when my Cast app is in background?

The most popular Chromecast apps like Youtube and Soundcloud can continue to play music when their app is in background. How can I implement this in my Android apps? I have searched, but not found any ...
Eyvind Almqvist's user avatar
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CAF receiver: VMAP Ads and Subtitles

Android app creates MediaLoadRequestData with MediaInfo object and loads it to RemoteMediaClient. CAF receiver plays the video properly and shows the ads when needed. Issue occurs when I try changing ...
Srdjan Ristanovic's user avatar
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Can I start a Google Cast session from Chrome on iOS or Android?

About 5-6 years ago, I asked this same question and I'm trying to figure out if anything has changed since that time. I have a Google Cast Custom Receiver that I need to start up via a website. I ...
user2719094's user avatar
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Chromecast Sender App Android Implementation [google-cast]

I'm trying to implement Chromecast in a simple Sender App to cast a given Video. I've implemented the cast button and am able to connect to my device without error, but I'm not able to stream data. ...
Gunthere's user avatar
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What is the meaning of errors 30 / 300 when casting using Google Cast?

I'm trying to cast HLS from iPhone / Android app to Chromecast, but am repeatedly getting errors. On the iOS side: Code=30 "Media failed to load" gck_detailed_error_code=300 ...
Jonny's user avatar
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