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Screen mirroring using ChromeCast SDK

I am building a screen mirroring app in android using media projection. Now, I want to mirror my mobile screen chromeCast enabled devices like Vizio SmartCast Tv, and other chromeCast device. Can I ...
VishV's user avatar
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Integrating bitmovin player in chrome cast custom receiver web app

I am trying to integrate bitmovin player with custom reciver web app but i could not control the player once casted. How to remotely control the player using the sender?
harshith ch's user avatar
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How to set playback rate from chrome browser?

This one if probably for chromecast API devs. Android and iOS have a setPlaybackRate method, but the Chrome Sender API doesn't appear to have an equivalent feature. Is there a javascript method to ...
Lindsay-Needs-Sleep's user avatar
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Debugging Chromecast app displays error message

I have a custom Chromecast receiver that isn't working and I'm trying to figure out why. When I cast to it from Chrome on my desktop my app starts up on the Chromecast but the Chromecast dialog just ...
user2719094's user avatar
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Can I start a Google Cast session from Chrome on iOS or Android?

About 5-6 years ago, I asked this same question and I'm trying to figure out if anything has changed since that time. I have a Google Cast Custom Receiver that I need to start up via a website. I ...
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What makes a chromecast make a request with 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: same-origin'?

Basically I have a video on rackspace that I think has the right cors headers, same headers I've always used and used to work fine. The Chromecast will first make a request like this: curl 'video....
casolorz's user avatar
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Chrome 72: Google Cast Api unavailable in update on android

The cast api seems to be unavailable since I updated to Chrome 72 on android. I tested on several devices, everything worked fine prior to the update. The cast api is inaccessible on my web app but ...
paulrostorp's user avatar
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Changing app id on Chromecast sender

I have a Chromecast sender application that can be used to launch multiple app ids for testing purposes. In the Chromecast docs, it says that the setOptions function should only be called once. And ...
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Keep Chromecast CAF receiver alive after sender disconnect

I have a custom cast receiver that shows some text on the screen. I want the receiver to stay active even after the sender disconnects (eg. the cast is initiated by a Chrome browser and then the user ...
user2719094's user avatar
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Why does my Google Cast sender not find my receiver?

I have an existing Google Cast app. It's been quite a while since I've touched it because it's been working just fine, but now I want to add some features to it so I'm digging back in. I've created ...
user2719094's user avatar
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Can Linux be used for Chrome cast (chrome) development?

I am new to Chrome cast. I ask this question because I can't get a helloText sample app running. I am hosting the receiver on a static local IP address. Both the sender and receiver were cloned from ...
Zer0's user avatar
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Chrome-cast: seek bar position issue while streaming live video

I am playing live (DVR-enabled) video on Chromecast and facing issue with seekbar. Problem The problem is that while chrome-casting/steaming live video, current time is changing but seek bar is ...
Vikas Bansal's user avatar
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chromecast framework not recognising cast button

I have a HTML 5 player app that has a requirement to load all of its skin elements programmatically. I am attempting to add a Google Cast button to the skin. To do this I have the following code: ...
Deviland's user avatar
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Can't load cast_framework.js on Chrome Sender

So a couple of month back I wrote a test sender to get some experience with Cast senders. It worked fine and I could send images and videos to my Chromecasts. I now need to create a custom receiver ...
Karim's user avatar
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Google Cast Default Receiver text track not showing

I'm building a Chrome sender app for the Google Cast/Chromecast using the Default Media Receiver. I've been following this guide from Google and apparently text tracks are supposed to work with the ...
NaNpx's user avatar
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