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Chromecast Sender App Android Implementation [google-cast]

I'm trying to implement Chromecast in a simple Sender App to cast a given Video. I've implemented the cast button and am able to connect to my device without error, but I'm not able to stream data. ...
Gunthere's user avatar
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Dash Streaming fails as new segments are not being downloaded

I am trying to perform live dash streaming on chrome cast using the google media player.The stream starts off just fine.There after it downloads around 20 seconds worth of data and plays, but no more ...
Zer0's user avatar
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Casting m3u8 file from android app

I am trying to play a video on my TV using chromecasting framework provided. The approach i followed for playing a mp4 works fine. But now i have different source to play. I have a video file pointed ...
Safeer's user avatar
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How to chromecast from android phone to tv

I want to stream home videos from android phone to TV without uploading them to the web first. For this i want to integrate chrome cast in my android application. But i have no idea how to do it. If ...
Mandeep Yadav's user avatar
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Chromecast Receiver Polling or Daemon

I have a need to perform some sort of routine polling or session communication (to another backend service) when a user is streaming through their chromecast. Typically I could do this from the ...
mornindew's user avatar
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Is there a way to find out which bitrate HLS stream chromecast is playing?

I am using default media receiver on Chromecast and am am adding the Google Cast sender app support to chrome/web videoplayer. I need to know which bitrate stream Chromecast is rendering at a given ...
codneto's user avatar
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Google Cast receiver returns 404 not found for all MP4 video URLs

I am trying to load MP4 videos on my registered StyledMediaReceiver through my Android sender app with this code: mediaMetadata = new MediaMetadata( MediaMetadata.MEDIA_TYPE_MOVIE); ...
Price's user avatar
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Which minimum android version can run chromecast supported video stream app?

I want to add chromecast support in my live stream playback app. I want to know which minimum android version can support it.
Qasim Hasnain's user avatar
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Android chromecast video-cast from sd-card or internal storage

I want to implement video-cast of video from internal storage or sd-card. I see that this sample ( ) does cast of internet content only. How can I do ...
tulkas85's user avatar
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Streaming from IP camera using chromecast

I am trying to stream through IP camera through my android device. I have edited the URL from the code posted on GitHub It is streaming on chrome browser when I tried to run from IP address of camera. ...
Rohit's user avatar
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what video formats supported by chromecast device (mp4,flv,m3u8,flv,avi)?

How we can send mp4,m3u8,rtmp,flv,avi urls from iphone to chromecast to play them? Are these format supported by chromecast ? Do we need a specific iPhone app so it send mp4,m3u8,rtmp,flv,avi urls ...
user1788736's user avatar
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