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2 answers

Chromecast - sender app - Cast icon not visible HTML5/JS

The problem is that cast icon is not visible even in sample examples by Google in sender application. Month ago i had to refresh the page couple of times to get an icon back or restart the device. Now ...
Jakub Adam Marszałek's user avatar
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Custom CAF receiver html

I'm building a webpage where I can upload an image and put a fog of war on top of it. There are two views, one where the fog of war is semi-transparent and one where it's completely opaque. I'd like ...
thattolleyguy's user avatar
-1 votes
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Restrict file access only allow read from google cast

I am using these 2 api to watch the videos of my website on tv, it works fine <script src = ""> </script> <...
Lucas Lecce's user avatar
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2 answers

Chromecast receiver application not showing custom font

I followed the instructions to load a custom font in a html canvas text field. It works fine when I open the page with the Desktop Chrome browser but when I open it with the Chromecast receiver ...
N Jacobs's user avatar
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How to use chromecast without using extension

google cast provides sample github links, which uses default cast extension to cast the data by registering from developer console, but how to use this sender/receiver application without using chrome ...
suresh 10decoders's user avatar
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Is it possible to programmatically send a webpage to a specific chromecast while bypassing the extension?

My company has several Chromecasts setup around our facility, each displaying a web page with different data depending on where it is set up. In my database I have a list of Chromecast names and the ...
Brian's user avatar
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How to cast a mobile web page on Android?

I'm working on Chromecast's Hello World app for Chrome browsers, but I hit a roadblock when I tested it on my Android device. As far as I can tell, there is no way to cast the Chrome tab itself on ...
Rick Viscomi's user avatar
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stream only audio with controls to chromecast from html5 javascript

stream only audio with controls to chromecast from html5 javascript via browser. i need to stream audio only to googlechromecast using my pc. i am using chrome browser. all i need to do is to stream ...
Siddharth's user avatar
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Viewing .pdf files in Chromecast

I've set up a simle .html page that'll load cast-index.php to the Chromecast device (using the API key). The cast-index.php is supposed to show a schedule in .pdf file format. So far I've tried ...
Rick's user avatar
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HTML5 <video> tag Chromecast/AirPlay events

Given a vanilla HTML5 <video> tag, I can easily add event listeners for the usual suspects (play, ended, timeupdate, etc). Does anyone know if it's possible to register an event listener to know ...
jerluc's user avatar
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3 answers

Chromecast cast HTML object using custom receiver

I am developing an Android app and I need to send a PDF file to Chromecast so I decided to use a PDF decoding library which return a HTML object. //Load Images: private void pdfLoadImages(final byte[...
Irene Herrera's user avatar
5 votes
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HTML5 / CSS GPU Performance optimization

I created a card game using HTML/CSS/JS. It moves animates cards around the screen and animates a scoreboard / messageboard. The performance on my chromecast is terrible though. Sometimes degrading ...
DanLatimer's user avatar
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Playing Ads on Chromecast With the Media Player Library

Dear Stack Overflow, I am currently developing a Chromecast app for an existing video streaming service, and would like to play ads on our chromecast port. Our video content is HLS, so we are using ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Chromecast HTML page on various sized displays

Developing an android application with cast ability. Need to cast a basic HTML recipe page on the display screen. I am a newbie to HTML/CSS/JS world, so having a basic query: During casting, we don'...
Rohit's user avatar
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Rotating a video on Chromecast

I'm trying to play a video on the chromecast in portrait mode (1080*1920), so rotated to 90°. Using the CastVideos example I'm trying to get it to display properly, but I keep getting a weird ...
Robin Eisenberg's user avatar

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