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How to solve _OBJC_CLASS_$ reference error

We have a standalone video playback app, in which we have Chromecast working fine. Now we are trying to convert this app as a framework and add it in the parent app. While building framework, ...
Naren's user avatar
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Is there any documentation available for integrating google CAF into a custom iOS framework?

I am trying to integrate Google CAF into my custom player sdk (player.framework). I tried following the documentation and was able to compile my player.framework successfully, however integration of ...
Priyank's user avatar
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Chromecast is not playing the media after connecting in iOS app

I have tried creating a demo app to cast the video from iOS app, However, the casting is occurring perfectly as I could move the volume button it's reflecting in the chrome cast, However, it doesn't ...
Dipesh Pokhrel's user avatar
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Google Chrome cast isn't playing the Video

I'm developing an iOS APP to cast the videos via Chromecast from iPhone-iOS App. Integrated the Google Chrome cast SDKv4. The Cast button discovers the receivers but it doesn't display the video, but ...
Gobinath SportsRocket's user avatar
5 votes
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Cast session getting suspended due to "GCKConnectionSuspendReasonNetworkNotReachable"

Observed behavior: After starting the casting of music files, user enters the background. After a few minutes of playing the music file through cast, session gets suspended with the reason ...
Vikas Dadheech's user avatar
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iOS - Google cast sdk failure

I just got some issues with google-cast-sdk (v3.5 cocoapod).Click here to see illustration. It seens to only happen on iOS 10. Anyone has the same problem. Could u guys can tell me how to resolve ...
An Le's user avatar
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couldn't cast subtitle to chromecast devices in objective c

I Used Video streaming from google drive: E.x: Link Here ( The above url is playing well now, but when you see it maybe is Expired ) The subtitles I used as: https://commondatastorage....
Bkillnest's user avatar
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iOS - Chromecast integration with MPNowPlayingInfoCenter to provide lock screen controls

I'm developing an iOS Obj-C app that uses the GoogleCast Framework. I am trying to get the lock screen controls working via MPNowPlayingInfoCenter I have added the correct permissions to my app to ...
mhorgan's user avatar
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Listen for Google Cast Session Events on iOS

I'm using the Google Cast SDK from iOS. I'm able to cast my application correctly, but I'm not able to get the <GCKSessionManagerListener> Protocol to work correctly. According to the ...
Levi's user avatar
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My single image is not getting display on the TV

I am sending a single image to the receiver and want to display the image on the TV. But my TV screen is only showing the Black window. What am I missing? Someone help me. ...
Nishat Alam's user avatar
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image not getting receive to the Receiver

My App is display the image on the HDMI TV.I have created i custom receiver (my receiver.html). when i send a message from my code this method is not getting ...
Nishat Alam's user avatar
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What i pass the GCKMediaInformation contentID in our code google cast sdk

I have passed the same url in GCKMediaMetadata object and GCKMediaInformation object contentID is correct?? I don't know which URL i pass in contentId of GCKMediaInformation please help me I am a ...
Nishat Alam's user avatar
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How do I show information on Google Cast after connecting

So I went and followed the documentation for Google Cast on iOS. I can connect to the Cast device and all, but I have no idea how I would go about showing data on the Google Cast. The documentation ...
Blapple's user avatar
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Queue mutiliples image on Chromecast with GCKMediaQueueItem

I would like to send multiples images to the Chromecast and use them as a screensaver. I am able to send them one by one with [self.mediaControlChannel loadMedia:mediaInformation]; but when I wanted ...
André Rodrigues's user avatar
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Duplicate symbol error with GoogleCast.framework

I just started porting an Android app to iOS, and am hitting a major roadblock that I can't figure out despite scouring many similar questions. I am attempting to follow the pattern implemented in ...
Niicodemus's user avatar

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