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Casting Local Gallery video to GoogleCast SDK iOS

How we cast local gallery video to GoogleCast SDK iOS? let url = URL.init(string: "Local Gallery pickup URL file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/CBC411B1-375B-44F1-8183-...
Harshad Patel's user avatar
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How to prevent Google Cast app to be suspended while playing audio?

I am developing an iOS app in Swift that plays audio files on TV over Google Cast. App uses two-way communication over TextChannel to exchange information with the receiver app. The app is working as ...
Marko Ilic's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Google cast SDK not working in Apple M1 Pro chipset

I am trying to integrate Google cast SDK but not working in Apple M1 Pro chipset. pod 'google-cast-sdk' I am tried with every possibilities but not worked well and it's throwing as error like attached ...
kumar's user avatar
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Casting music and video from the same iOS application with different background option doesn't work

I have an iOS application that can play music and video. You can cast music or video from the app using the chromecast sdk. I've been reading the documentation about playing in background. When ...
Mathieu V.'s user avatar
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Orientation changes to portrait after dismissing iOS 14 Google Cast Network Access Prompt

Our app is a streaming app that allows users to stream on Google Cast devices. For iOS14, Google Cast has new network access settings prompt. Issue When the device is in landscape and the user clicks ...
Devi's user avatar
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Remove white top shadow from GCKUIMiniMediaControlsViewController

In swift, with Google Cast SDK, is there an option to remove white shadow from top of GCKUIMiniMediaControlsViewController view? let style = GCKUIStyle.sharedInstance() let miniMediaStyle ...
Marco's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to change `applicationID` in Google Cast dynamically? iOS SDK

I initialize Google Cast SDK in my application: didFinishLaunching like that: let criteria = GCKDiscoveryCriteria(applicationID: kGCKDefaultMediaReceiverApplicationID) let options = GCKCastOptions(...
Aleksandr Honcharov's user avatar
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iOS 14 - LNA permission not prompted when using custom cast dialog

We use the GCKUICastButton and set triggersDefaultCastDialog = false to show a custom receiver list. We do not set disableDiscoveryAutostart or startDiscoveryAfterFirstTapOnCastButton. We would ...
dayloosha's user avatar
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Error in Xcode when trying to connect to Chromecast (Google Cast SDK)

Hi I'm trying to connect to a Chromecast using the Google Cast SDK on a Mac running macOS 10.15.4 and Xcode version 11.4.1 (11E503a) and getting the error: nw_resolver_start_query_timer_block_invoke [...
nord's user avatar
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duplicate symbol in GoogleCastSDK-ios-4.4.7_static

Recently I bump the google-cast-sdk to the latest, while got this kind of build error as below /Users/kxue/Documents/ios_trunk/Pods/google-cast-sdk/GoogleCastSDK-ios-4.4.7_static/GoogleCast....
whitekevin's user avatar
3 votes
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Localization of the googleCast framework not working

I'm trying to find a way to localize the google cast sample app. When I look at the documentation I see that we need to set some launch options when we create the sharedInstance. So in the sample app ...
Steaphann's user avatar
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Change navigationbar and cancel button for google cast views

I've implemented the google cast framework in my project and start theming the google cast views. At the moment i've this piece of code: let castStyle = GCKUIStyle.sharedInstance() //...
Steaphann's user avatar
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Not showing the nearby cast DeviceSelection screen in iOS

In my app when I tap on the cast button I only able to see the nearby device option. On clicking the nearby device selection options a screen with all the nearby cast devices should appear. In my case,...
Tapash Mollick's user avatar
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GCKUICastButton not visible in production

I'm encountering some production problems with the GCK. Everything works fine on the simulator, but when I build on a real device, nothing works. At first, I thought it would have been a Signing or ...
Francis-Olivier Couture's user avatar
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skipPrevious and skipNext buttons inactive even with items in queue Google Cast iOS Sender SDK v4.3.5 and above

I have an iOS sender application for video streaming that supports queueing and using the skipPrevious and skipNext buttons to skip forward and backward between videos in the queue. The app works with ...
mfoster's user avatar
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