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Iphone Screen Mirroring: HLS Streaming Works in Safari and VLC, but Fails to Stream on Chromecast (Stuck on Loading Media)

I'm working on a project where I'm using AVAssetWriter to generate fragmented MPEG-4 files from CMSampleBuffer and serving them using HLS. The HLS stream works perfectly when tested in Safari and VLC, ...
Ehtisham Rauf's user avatar
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Android / Google Cast error codes - not defined

I'm adding the Google Cast SDK to my application. I am testing on nest home mini's, a pixel tab, and chromecasts. Occasionally, I get errors that are not defined in either
brettywhite's user avatar
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How do I discover a Fire TV device with a custom player service using the service id?

I am probably missing something, but I cannot get device discovery to work for Fire TV devices with a custom player service. I initially was using the Fling SDK DeviceDiscovery API and couldn't get it ...
user15134436's user avatar
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ChromeCast add tag <script> for dpad controls

I am using "ChromeCast HD". When loading the cast receiver I see an extra tag <script src="
Алексей Обронов's user avatar
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How to send messages to Chrome Cast

When using react native google cast I'm trying to send a custom message for casting my web page by setting my custom reciver ID in the app.json. But when i connect to the chrome cast it establishes a ...
Noah Schwagele's user avatar
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Casting Local Gallery video to GoogleCast SDK iOS

How we cast local gallery video to GoogleCast SDK iOS? let url = URL.init(string: "Local Gallery pickup URL file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/CBC411B1-375B-44F1-8183-...
Harshad Patel's user avatar
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Chromecast times out during custom sender/receiver playback

I'm developing a custom chromecast app, and one of the chromecast devices I'm testing with will timeout (or go to the screensaver for a different reason) exactly 5 minutes after casting no matter what ...
Aaron Gayle's user avatar
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How to use view and data framework in swift clean architecture

I'm developing an app with Swift and SwifUI where GoogleCast framework is needed only for one flavor. Imagine the view where I instantiate the GoogleCastButton: import SwiftUI import GoogleCast ...
wasi's user avatar
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How to add adbreaks to a live stream in cast receiver?

I cannot find any example of how to add a vmap to a live stream at the receiver adBreaks docs ( I would like to play an ad before ...
Verònica Jandrew's user avatar
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Chromecast DAI stream doesn't start sometimes with the error

We have an app with casting functionality for Google DAI stream. It works fine mainly, but recently, we started getting complaints that the stream doesn't start sometimes. The problem is that we didn'...
Sergnsk's user avatar
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Playing next video while casting results in an error

I'm developing an Android TV app and I'm trying to implement casting straight to my native app. I'm using this as a reference: I ...
GieJay's user avatar
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ROUNDED_CORNERS not working in google cast sdk

In my receiver.js I am styling the captions through the TextTrackStyle. I could do most of the things except for the windowType ROUNDED_CORNERS. Nothing happens when I modify the property ...
Ovber's user avatar
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Chromecast Web Receiver - Change button location for Chromecast Google TV

I've succesfully implemented a web receiver and now started customizing ControlSlots with some ControlButtons like so: const controls = cast.framework.ui.Controls.getInstance(); controls....
YTZ's user avatar
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Capture Media Errors - React Native Google Cast

I've successfully integrated React Native Google Cast into my React Native project, and I'm able to cast some videos without any issues. However, there are some videos that I'm unable to cast, and I'm ...
Shishupal Shakya's user avatar
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Googlecast doesn't show Use Local Network dialogue

I'm using Googlecast for a few years now on my iOS radio-app. When migrating to Xcode 17.0 something broke within my implementation. When pressing the Googlecast button for the first time a Use Local ...
Patrick Koning's user avatar

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