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After click sigin button is showing: security certificate&code will handle. Chrome is blank in headless, working in headed mode in serenity framework

Serenity framework example: customer will click on SignIn button then one security certificate will come like your connection is not private. If certificate is visible code will handle that by clcking ...
Manju Reddy's user avatar
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How to use selenium with proxy auth in headless mode?

I'd like to use headless mode with proxy auth login:pass in my python script. I use chrome here. I have tried creating extension and adding it to chrome, but it works only without headless mode. I was ...
innocent98's user avatar
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Why Chrome DevTools Protocol HeadlessExperimental.beginFrame does not return screenshot data for a long time(30s) in headless mode?

Headless brower is playing a video, and I want get every frame data. Sometimes frameData can not get screenshot data but sometimes it work. And I don't know how to debugger this issue. Here is my code:...
gengxin li's user avatar
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selenium headless not functioning with buttons properly

I have some code to open a search url for a site, click the first result, and click a button. This all works fine until I try to use headless Chrome. Code (working -> not using headless Chrome): ...
Caiden's user avatar
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Puppeteer old Headless deprecation warning:

const bot = require("puppeteer"); const fs = require("fs"); const botConfiguration ={ headless:false, executablePath:"C:/Program Files/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe&...
jaytheblogger's user avatar
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Headless stopped working in selenium automation with python

I had an selenium application that worked perfectly until a few days, I don't know what happened but for some reason it stopped and debugging a little I noticed that when I remove the headless it ...
Rodrigo Carvalho's user avatar
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Having multiple concurrent Selenium Webdriver sessions connected to the same chrome headless process

Is there a way to have one chromedriver process instance running but have two different Selenium WebDrivers connected to it where both run code at the same time? (e.g. navigate to a URL, click on a ...
Mahdi's user avatar
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ElementClickInterceptedException is encountered when running script in headless state

I am trying to click a dropdown menu. But encounters ElementClickInterceptedException only when in headless state. And when I checked the screenshot when the error is encountered, the dropdown menu ...
Johna Grace's user avatar
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Robot Framework headless mode is ignore CA certificate installed and giving loging promt

I am trying to automate a Service Now related basic test case using Robot Framework. In the non-headless mode, opening SNOW is directly giving me the home page, but in headless mode its giving me the ...
user3527785's user avatar
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Selenium python chromedriver 110 headless=new interrupts pc when switching between tabs

When running two tabs via the new --headless=new mode of Chrome, I noticed that every time I switch tabs, my PC loses focus on whatever I'm doing - the tab switching interrupts PC usage, which did not ...
Thycon's user avatar
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How can I force my program to use an updated version of chrome when using it in headless mode?

I have a python script which uses Google Chrome to perform some tasks in Youtube Studio. The script works as expected when I disable options.add_argument('--headless'), but when I use it with the ...
Álvaro Rodríguez's user avatar
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Python Headless Chrome Slows Tests by 20x

I have written a test program that performs tests on websites. I am trying to run my tests in headless Chrome using the --headless argument. While it works fine in a normal browser window, it runs 20 ...
Akif's user avatar
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Puppeteer crashes on browser.close() with: Received signal 11 <unknown>

I have not found any question that addresses an issue I face with a puppeteer script. The script runs fine and produces a screenshot, except that it crashes at the end in browser.close(). I reduced ...
Peter Thoeny's user avatar
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Headless chrome print to pdf return errors and stuck forever

I"m trying to print a page to pdf. it's a pretty big page. I used the following command to generate it /Applications/Google\\ Chrome --headless --enable-logging=...
Yuseferi's user avatar
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How do I recurrsively call multiple URLs using Puppeteer and Headless Chrome?

I am trying to write a program to scan multiple URLs at the same time (parallelizaiton) and I have extracted sitemap and stored it as an array in a Variable as shown below. But i am unable to open ...
Arvind Ravichandran's user avatar

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