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How to show multiple pickup points on Google Maps in Android java? [closed]

I'm working on an Android app where I need to display multiple pickup points on Google Maps based on a selected location. For example, when a user selects a place, several pickup points (like ...
ishara sewwandi's user avatar
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Android Google Maps Snapshot Screenshot is black

I have a problem, for some tests I'm doing I need to take a screenshot of my app that uses Google Maps. When I try to take the screenshot or snapshot, all the elements appear in the screenshot, except ...
rmor23's user avatar
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Google Maps: Over 200 markers and clustering - Slow

I get the data async from the backend so there is not really a way to load it from memory. I created the map like this @Composable private fun HoaxLocatorScreen( cameraPosition: ...
No_Name's user avatar
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Android, Kotlin, Google Maps Markers

I am trying develop an Android App with Kotlin in Android Studio. I want to make markers for Pharmacy in my app in Google Maps. My question is in my code: private fun searchNearbyPharmacies(location: ...
GM42's user avatar
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Android Compose: Coarse Location

When the user selects coarse location how do I draw the circle on the map which scales with the zoom level as well? val locationCallback = object : LocationCallback() { override fun ...
No_Name's user avatar
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Google Maps Platform Android SDK Arrival Problem

I'm new to developing Android apps using Kotlin and XML and with the use of Google Maps Platform Navigation SDK for Android. I have a problem that when the distance from the origin and the destination ...
Elgen Prestosa's user avatar
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Compose UI not waiting for viewModel's coroutine results. GoogleMap composable

I have a compose screen that shows Google Maps. I'm using this state model: data class CragsOnMapsState( val currentLocation: Location? = null, val cragsList: List<Crag>, val ...
juske's user avatar
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Making a search location function through the Google Maps API

I don't know how to implement a search location function in my project based on the google maps API. The objective is to have the user type a location on the textview and clicks the button next it, it ...
Elliots's user avatar
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OnClick Compose GoogleMap Cluster/Item show InfoWindow without camera move

Using this example activity: I want to only ...
Mario Huizinga's user avatar
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Google map directions delay loading the itinerary

I'm using google map intent in my react native application has been almost one year without any problem passing the coordinates in this url allowing the user to open "Google maps" on ...
Ruchaw's user avatar
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Android map doesn't auto zoom after calling CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo(xx)

I have a fragment which displays the position of store on Google Map: import android.os.Bundle import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import androidx....
anta40's user avatar
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Is there any alternative for searching nearby places without using Google map Places API?

I am trying to search nearby places by types ( such as Hospital, Restaurant,..) from my current places, I used gg map API but I realised that I need to pay for this services, can anyone have another ...
khanh quang's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there a way to change the position of the Google Maps API buttons in Compose?

I would like to move the map buttons, mainly the Compass button (which appears at the top left) and the My Location button (which appears at the top right) so that I can put them down or in any ...
Ulises Cortés's user avatar
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Jetpack Compose Clustering sometimes show default markers

I have a screen that contain a list of custom markers with clustering and works fine. The problem is sometime after open de screen my google maps show my customs markers AND the default markers on the ...
Aris Guimerá's user avatar
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Can I have two different Google Map keys to load google maps in two different activities in a single android app?

I have a android application in which I need to load google maps in two different activity. How to use two different google map keys for each activity. Is it even possible? Earlier I had only one API ...
dev's user avatar
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