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how to make the longitude and latitude lines on map disappear in google maps api [duplicate]

I have this map in js code in google map api, and I cannot find solution how to make longitude and latitude lines on map disappear. An image showing the longitude and latitude lines I want to remove ...
gapi's user avatar
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Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Spread syntax requires ...iterable[Symbol.iterator] to be a function

as title writed. i got this error in google map api 3.59.1. for some reason, i use leaflet + googleMutant to drive google map api. since 2024/11/21 the 3.59 new one was pernounced, i try to change to ...
chiquita's user avatar
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Error in Requesting Air Quality API from Google API's [closed]

I am getting this error in console on XCode while running simulation of my app. What is this error and how can I eliminate it? NSBundle file:///Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_22B81/...
Anubhav Tomar's user avatar
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Place's class getting issue Google Maps API

I'm trying to pull out places' classes from Google map API such as: allowsDogs isGoodForChildren etc. But everytime I receive "API Error: Error: Place details failed: INVALID_REQUEST" I ...
Pavel Kravets's user avatar
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How can I get a URL to open the Google Maps app from a custom route accessed via python API?

I am creating a Flask webapp that involves the use of the google maps API. I currently have JS query the flask backend for navigation results, using the googlemaps python library reference to compute ...
ssdtac's user avatar
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Google Maps Directions API: Is it Possible to Specify Multiple Departure Times in One Request for Hourly Traffic Data?

I want to display a chart showcasing the hourly traffic for a specific route on Google Maps. Based on the documentation, it seems I need to call the API multiple times to retrieve traffic data for ...
Mohammad Hanif Shaikh's user avatar
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Google Maps API (Cloud Platform) How to change this text color using style editor (instead of JSON Array)?

When I changed the text fill color and stroke color it appears all fine on the preview Custom Maps editor, but when I applied the custom style to map-ID, and use the map-ID in javascript, the text ...
Jones's user avatar
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Cannot find native module 'ExpoLocation', js engine: hermes

I'm trying to import the expo-location in my react-native app with expo. I installed the library with this command: npx expo install expo-location And importing it: import * as Location from 'expo-...
doobean's user avatar
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How can I create multiple markers in a single API call using the Google Maps API?

I am trying to create multiple markers in a single API call using the Google Maps API. Are there any possibilities for this, or alternative methods I could use? I have already tried the GeoJSON method ...
ManishaG's user avatar
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Google Maps: Over 200 markers and clustering - Slow

I get the data async from the backend so there is not really a way to load it from memory. I created the map like this @Composable private fun HoaxLocatorScreen( cameraPosition: ...
No_Name's user avatar
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How to Prevent Google Maps ImageMapType Overlay from Overloading and Freezing During Rapid Zooming in React

I'm using the Google Maps JavaScript API with React and TypeScript to add a custom ImageMapType overlay with dynamically generated tiles to a map. My application retrieves tile URLs through the ...
Jonathan Roulet's user avatar
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on Google maps, how to have infowindow come up for different circles that are layered on top of one another but are different radii? [closed]

I have a map with a form above it. The user enters an address and the map places four circles of various radii around that address. I want the user to be able to click each of the circles and get an ...
LauraNMS's user avatar
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how to change color of a google maps v3 Marker icon [closed]

I'm placing a series of google maps Markers on a page using an array of points and a circle as an icon. Once all the markers are on the page, I want to change the fill color of one of the Marker ...
LauraNMS's user avatar
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Why does Google Map restrict the zoom if the origin and destination are the same places?

I have a use case for a map that requires showing a marker with the same lat/lng for it's origin and destination. However, I find that it often results in these: Image where the marker is not centered ...
jx work's user avatar
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Unable to interact with the google maps in react

I am using the google maps api ''. I watched some tutorials and done the same for getting google maps on the screen and some directions and their waypoints. But I am unable to ...
Nihal N's user avatar

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