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Exec format error with custom iOS framework running on simulator

I'm building an iOS application that uses GoogleMaps iOS SDK. I added the SDK with Swift Package Manager, and it worked; however, the previews are not working anymore because Google Maps SDK is a ...
madpoet's user avatar
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Google Maps iOS SDK: Custom marker iconView with SwiftUI

I am trying to create a custom iconView using SwiftUI for may Google Maps markers: struct CustumMarkerView: View { let inter15_500 = Font.inter(size: 15, weight: 500) let destination: POILocation ...
Olcay Ertaş's user avatar
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Flutter Google map gestures not working inside modal bottom sheet

I'm implementing a bottom sheet in my Flutter app to select a location using Google Maps. While the map displays correctly, gestures like pinch-to-zoom and scroll (pan) do not work when interacting ...
Dasaya_Developer's user avatar
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[GMSx_SRLRegistry internalService:scopeTags:]: No binding was found for required, single-bound service: GMSAnalyticsLogging_API

I create a iOS framework project which use GoogleMaps iOS SDK (version: 8.4.0, include from CocoaPods) and aggregate it as XCFramework Lib. And Other iOS App project try to include My XCFramework Lib ...
Xattacker Tao's user avatar
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Compatibility of react-native-maps 1.18.0 with Maps SDKs

I’m currently working on a React Native project. I’m having trouble finding specific information about which versions of the Google Maps SDK for Android and iOS are compatible with/correspond to which ...
Sofia's user avatar
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Trying to add google-maps-ios-utils with SPM but getting 'checksum' error [iOS]

After fetching 'GoogleMapsUtils' dependencies, it just shows this error: checksum of downloaded artifact of binary target 'GoogleMapsUtils' (...) does not match checksum specified by the manifest (...)...
Mathias Nonohay's user avatar
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Google maps SDK doesn't show maps on iOS app

I am trying to implement Google Maps SKD to an iOS app. The location dot, google logo, and go to my location button are visible, but not the maps. I try different thinks but none of those works. My ...
Marko Zadravec's user avatar
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Google maps ios marker location issues

I am using google maps in ios. Every thing is working fine in simulator and device but when I search address using placeclient and select it then marker place a different location. https://drive....
yaxanof252 yaxanof's user avatar
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GMSPinImageOptions - Not able to find "GMSPinImageOptions" in scope iOS

I am using Google Maps SDK in my iOS app. When I try to use GMSPinImageOptions in my code. I am not able to use it even though I have imported GoogleMaps. It keeps saying, Cannot find '...
Pratik's user avatar
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Crash in Google maps cocoapod in iOS project

My project is using GoogleMap (8.3.0) version. It is working all good. But suddenly it is crashing with the error : *** -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKeyedSubscript:]: key cannot be nil -[...
SiOS's user avatar
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GoogleMaps - App Crash when init GMSMapView

When I try to initialize the map, app crashed. I have same issue in UIkit. I try clean pods, update pod and clean project. Last week it was working correctly, no joke iOS: 16.2 iPhone: 14 plus ...
Carlos Andres Ponce's user avatar
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Google Maps showing blank screen only on iOS testers device

i have recently uploaded an app to App Store review and after several attempts to make location work, I think I made it. The problem is that my map is not loading at all, it only shows a blank page ...
lautipaletta's user avatar
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how to change custom compass on Google Map IOS?

I can't figure out how to change the compass needle or make my own as in the picture. Here is my code: func makeUIView(context: Self.Context) -> GMSMapView { let options = GMSMapViewOptions(...
Shato-Umar Daltsaev's user avatar
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Googlemaps delegate methods never fired in iOS SwiftUI

Intergated the Google maps via SPM and maps seems to loaded correctly with few markers on the map, but I wanted to know when the map is fully loaded and when the map is moved etc.. For that we can use ...
vishwa's user avatar
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GMSMarker infoWindow - data not updating

What I am trying to accomplish is to refresh the map every X seconds. When doing so, I want to update the content of info window of selected marker. However, the marker data is updated (tried with lat/...
Andrija Randjelovic's user avatar

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