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Heirarchy address in reactjs

Can anyone help me? I'm trying to integrate hierarchy address on my react project where if user select country the next dropdown field will suggest all the state or provinces under that country and if ...
Regime Mamugay's user avatar
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Retrieving Locations at a Specific Address

I am working with Node.js library @googlemaps/places and would like to retrieve all locations (e.g., businesses, restaurants, offices) at a specific address. However, when I send an address to the API,...
Robert Mainzer's user avatar
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How to get the zip code using the new Google map Places API Autocomplete (New)?

I'm trying to get a list of addresses from USA with autocomplete search with the help of the new Google maps places api (Autocomplete endpoint). This is what I tried to do to get it but it's not ...
Netanel Vaknin's user avatar
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Weird response from google maps javascript places API searchByText

I'm using the Maps JavaScript API Text Search (New) searchByText() function to get a list of places in a web app. It's supposed to return google.maps.places.Place[] according to the @types/google.maps ...
spinkus's user avatar
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Need help dealing with certain address scenarios in large cities and Google Places API

I have an issue with the London area using Google Places API and the endpoint for autocomplete. Why are we using autocomplete? Because our input is at time ambiguous. The background story is that we ...
user3218338's user avatar
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How to get more than 5 reviews returned from Google Places API (New)?

I have not found any modern solution or answer to this question: how to fetch more than 5 reviews from business page with Google Places API (new). When I asked this from some AI's, they said there is ...
Heebo's user avatar
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GooglePlaces SDK Breaks XCode Preview

I have a project connected to the FirebaseSDK which runs perfectly fine in Build, Simulator, Preview, and when Run on my iPhone 16 Pro. However, I need to use the GoogleMaps SDK. When I install the ...
BranHolm's user avatar
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The response of my google places api is limited to bengaluru

I used the google places api for hotels in my nodejs application, when i run the application locally, i get the list of hotels from everypart of india/world which is the desired response but when i ...
BREAKBAG WEBSITE's user avatar
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OAUTH for Google Places API (New): Avoid having to grant Android automation tool Tasker access to my Google account after every restart

I am using the Android automation app Tasker ( to control different APIs (Spotify, Poweramp, weather) for an Android device in my car. I also use Tasker to control the "...
Philipp Mayer's user avatar
1 vote
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react-native google places autocomplete not working for expo

some months ago I worked with react-native-google-places-autocomplete and I did not encounter any issue but now I am trying to add some updates to the project and discover that it's no longer working ...
Eric Uche's user avatar
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Google Map API (Places API) different result?

My problem is I'm trying to make a searching service. So, I'm trying to find some market like "공주 행복자전거" but, I can't find by places API, and I tried Google Map service (not API) and I find ...
Ooin Kin's user avatar
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How to combine business name and address to find the point of interest using the Google Places API Text Search?

I am building an application that is using Apple's MapKit framework as well as Google's Places API. The reason is mainly saving costs. My current situation is, that I have an MKMapItem and want to ...
jonathan112358's user avatar
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The new Google Places Swift SDK for iOS only results in Internal Error

I am building a new app and am trying to use the new Google Places Swift SDK for iOS. I am following these guides provided by Google: Google Setup Guide and Google Text Search Guide Unfortunately, I ...
jonathan112358's user avatar
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GooglePlacesAutocomplete not working in expo app, throws "Error: crypto.getRandomValues() not supported"

I am trying to use GooglePlacesAutocomplete in my expo app. I installed it in my expo app with the following command: npx expo install react-native-google-places-autocomplete And I am using it on a ...
Rushwin Jamdas's user avatar
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Google Places Autocomplete API returning "The Places API server returned a response we couldn't understand" (Error Code -2)

I'm using the Google Places API in my iOS app to fetch autocomplete suggestions for places within a specific geographical region. However, I'm receiving an error, and I haven't been able to resolve it....
Yağız Erbay's user avatar

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