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OAUTH for Google Places API (New): Avoid having to grant Android automation tool Tasker access to my Google account after every restart

I am using the Android automation app Tasker ( to control different APIs (Spotify, Poweramp, weather) for an Android device in my car. I also use Tasker to control the "...
Philipp Mayer's user avatar
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GooglePlacesAutocomplete not working in expo app, throws "Error: crypto.getRandomValues() not supported"

I am trying to use GooglePlacesAutocomplete in my expo app. I installed it in my expo app with the following command: npx expo install react-native-google-places-autocomplete And I am using it on a ...
Rushwin Jamdas's user avatar
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Places API function findCurrentPlace() limits my app min SDK to 26

I tried adding the users current location to the google map I had using google places api, and while it worked, I noticed that under api level 26 it gave an error, after elaborating I found that the ...
user27347117's user avatar
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Android Placesclient getting garbage collection error

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) if (!Places.isInitialized()) { Places.initialize(this.requireActivity(), BuildConfig.MAP_API_KEY)...
Praveen's user avatar
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How can I identify which code in my Android application initiates the creation of threads using the Android Profiler

I am working on a plugin-based application which has different plugins. Each plugin is independent of the others. I am also using the Google Places API as a plugin in it. There is an option to refresh ...
Aditya Mishra's user avatar
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Unable to find nearby places in android studio using Java

I am working on an Android project and I want to search for nearby places(for example hospital), but this code doesn't work. From what I saw in debugging mode, it skips this line: placesClient....
Michael's user avatar
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GooglePlacesAutocomplete onpress event not working

During the text change, I can see all the suggested addresses that means the key is working as expected, however when I select and pressed the item nothings happen. The data did not show even I tried ...
user24286023's user avatar
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Google API Place Autocomplete for Android - Error: Make sure to call shutdown()/shutdownNow() and wait until awaitTermination() returns true

The error seems in the log every times that I search a new address in a AutocompleteActivity from the second time onwards. I am making an Autocomplete functionality in an Android application to API 33 ...
Leonardo Furtado de Luna's user avatar
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How to customize Google Place API Autocomplete Support Fragment

I am using Google Place API Autocomplete Support Fragment for my Android mobile application. But as you can from the photo, the autocomplete support fragment's design is not uniform with my other ...
NotTwoShake's user avatar
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GooglePlacesAutocomplete not working in react-native apk file for android

I implemented Google Places API in my react native project and I'm trying to query places search with the GooglePlacesAutocomplete but for android it only works while testing with expo and when I ...
Eric's user avatar
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Google Places API billing each request individually despite using AutocompleteSessionToken

I am working on an Android application that utilizes the Google Places API to fetch autocomplete suggestions, and later fetch details about a place selected by the user. According to the Google ...
rafik's user avatar
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How can I achieve a smooth direction update using DirectionsAPI (I'm using Google Maps API for my application)

private void getPlaceDetails(String placeName) { // List<Place.Field> placeFields = Arrays.asList(Place.Field.ID, Place.Field.LAT_LNG); AutocompleteSessionToken token = ...
Carlolong's user avatar
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Autocomplete Service Issue in Restricted Google API Key for React Native Android App

I've encountered an issue with using the Autocomplete service of the Place API after applying a Google API key restriction to my Android application using Android Restricted Key. When the key ...
rafik's user avatar
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Does the AutocompleteFragment provided by the Places API library has a built-in limitation of displaying fixed number of results?

I am currently using the Place API library to search for nearby shores based on the user's current location. However, I have encountered a limitation with the AutocompleteFragment provided by the ...
oussama's user avatar
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Does not recognize AutocompleteSupportFragment from places library

Designer tells me unknown fragment, but it seems like im importing the library correctly as import; does not generate error and ...
A...'s user avatar
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