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6 votes
1 answer

GooglePlaces SDK Breaks XCode Preview

I have a project connected to the FirebaseSDK which runs perfectly fine in Build, Simulator, Preview, and when Run on my iPhone 16 Pro. However, I need to use the GoogleMaps SDK. When I install the ...
BranHolm's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to combine business name and address to find the point of interest using the Google Places API Text Search?

I am building an application that is using Apple's MapKit framework as well as Google's Places API. The reason is mainly saving costs. My current situation is, that I have an MKMapItem and want to ...
jonathan112358's user avatar
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0 answers

The new Google Places Swift SDK for iOS only results in Internal Error

I am building a new app and am trying to use the new Google Places Swift SDK for iOS. I am following these guides provided by Google: Google Setup Guide and Google Text Search Guide Unfortunately, I ...
jonathan112358's user avatar
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Google Places Autocomplete API returning "The Places API server returned a response we couldn't understand" (Error Code -2)

I'm using the Google Places API in my iOS app to fetch autocomplete suggestions for places within a specific geographical region. However, I'm receiving an error, and I haven't been able to resolve it....
Yağız Erbay's user avatar
0 votes
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Google Places iOS SDK Uses Broken Cryptography API (MD5)

I'm using the Google Places SDK on my iOS Application. I ran a dynamic security scan and it identifies that Google Places uses MD5 hashing functions which have been deprecated since iOS 13. ...
andrew's user avatar
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_OBJC_CLASS_$ errors on M1 Macbook - Google Maps-Places

I recently moved my code base from an old intel based macbook to a new M1 based macbook. All of my cocoapods went to hell, so I swapped all of them for swift packages and completely removed all ...
Senator's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How can i add GMSAutocompleteSessionToken to GMSAutocompleteViewController on iOS

I found the documentation not clear enough on how to add a sessionToken when instantiating a built-in autocomplete controller (GMSAutocompleteViewController). Is this even needed / possible ? Could ...
nelsballs's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to fix UI of GMSAutocompleteViewController in iOS 15?

Before iOS 15, the Autocomplete feature was totally fine. However, from iOS 15, the GMSAutocompleteViewController has the bug as can be seen in the following screenshot. The screenshot also shows the ...
Vinh Hung Nguyen's user avatar
22 votes
5 answers

building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS

Before I integrated Google Places in my app, I had no problem running it on simulators, but now I can run my app only on physical devices. I tried excluding arm64, like it was suggested in many ...
NoName555's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

GMSPlace Auto Complete Always return same Place coordinate

the return of auto Autocomplete always give the same value. func viewController(_ viewController: GMSAutocompleteViewController, didAutocompleteWith place: GMSPlace) { print("Place name: \...
SafoineMoncefAmine's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Xcode throwing arm64 architecture error for Macmini with M1 chip

I am facing some issues into XCode with Apple New Macmini with M1 chip. Into My Application i used RazorPay so it is throwing below error even after updating pods. Module 'Razorpay' was created for ...
Mitesh Dobareeya's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Update mapview data in separate view controller

Note: you don't have to be familiar with Google Maps SDK or Places SDK to answer this question. Hi I am using a GMSMapView on my main MapViewController and GMSPlacesClient from Places SDK on a child ...
Brady852's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to share data from one react native component to another component

i have a component "Address" were i am using google-places-autocomplete for getting address.After that i extract the needed data (such as Country,postal code etc). And now i want to transfer ...
Suraj Das's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Migrating to Places 4.0 SDK, how to migrate place Bias?

I am migrating to the new places SDK 4.0 The old func was: findAutocompletePredictions(fromQuery: query, bounds: bounds, boundsMode: .bias, ...
jwarris91's user avatar
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