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16 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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The supplied API key is not configured for use from this Android app in Google map Road Api(speed limit)

The supplied API key is not configured for use from this Android app in Google map Road Api Created API key with SHA1 & package name from API console(Premium account) Enabled road API My API key ...
selva kumar's user avatar
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Google Distance Matrix between two locations does not return results when origins and destinations are reversed

Inbound Outbound:
Erol's user avatar
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Android Google Maps Polyline not showing on Map

I have made a class that have a method and a locaton listener. The locationListener will be executed every 2 seconds , gets the lat longs and will pass it to the Async Task. The Async Task class will ...
Akshay Sood's user avatar
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Google Directions Api Problem on optimisation

i am using directions api with some waypoints. the thing is that its not optimized, it goes with the order of my array and not with the most efficient order. i dont want the order of my array to take ...
vasilis tertylinis's user avatar
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I am getting "Cannot resolve method 'snapToRoads()' " error for the following to fix it?

I am trying to use Google Roads api, in which want to call a method snapToRoads, but I am facing an issue. I tried to use other method of snapToRoads, but it also shows same error LatLng[] page = ...
Prasad Kawalekar's user avatar
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Set speed limits on Maps layer

I would like to create a map with a layer, like a traffic layer, but with the speed limits of roads (route, highway,...) with the différents speed. How can I create a layer with speed limits of all ...
Bastien Devillierre's user avatar
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Match two java collections by property avoiding ConcurrentModificationException (example of Google Roads api)

I haven't found any similar questions, where one collection is accessed while looping through another. Most of the questions about two collections and loops refer to simultaneous looping through both ...
Valeriya's user avatar
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google map apikey works, but road apikey not working

I am using both road api and map api. But I can't get apikey for road api work, in comparison, the apikey for map works fine. Here is my apikey for road: AIzaSyDRknPaFTzqrmHCTyQ6QGcrQMjGFQtK7bg ...
user1470393's user avatar
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Google Maps API - Show all local roads when zoomed out

Hi my first post on Stackoverflow. When viewing country areas in Google maps the screen is very sparse. I would like to make all local roads visible at a wider loom level. At present the local roads ...
Trevor Tighe's user avatar
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how to use google road api with polyline

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <...
vinoth kanna's user avatar
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set start and end position in google roads API using javascript

I want to know if setting start and end location in the map while I'm retrieving coordinates and placeId through google roads API is possible or not? Because while I initialize Roads API by setting a ...
Poles's user avatar
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Is there a good way to minimize load on Google Maps Roads API?

I am developing a proof of concept/prototype for an internal tool. The basic premise is, that we have a couple of units that have a GPS on them, and they report their location (with typical GPS ...
Barry Chapman's user avatar
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no api-key error massage

I have tried many ways and many places to enter the API key for but in all the cases, I get the error no-API-key. the request works fine in the postman, meaning the key works fine. the places I tried:...
Evik Ghazarian's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to use a response of SnapToRoad?

I would like to know how to received google maps SnapToRaod response in a javascript code and how I can use the response to generate the map with the SnapToRoad response (in javascript as well). I'm ...
João Oliveira's user avatar

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