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Issue using

I'm using the service to allow do automatic updates for my Wallet Cards created using PHP/Laravel, with the pkpass/pkpass v2.3.1 library. The generated .pkpass file works correctly on ...
Diogo Nunes's user avatar
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AutofillHint- creditCardNumber is not working

Setting android:autofillHints="creditcardNumber" is not showing the saved cards or the 'Scan a new card button' <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <androidx.constraintlayout....
Raji A C's user avatar
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Parts of Google Pay api no longer exist and I cant work aroud a solution to add and Initialize the google pay button

I dont really know what to do, I have been trying to set up google pay for my app so that the user could checkout, but this doesnt seem to work, i was able to add the google pay button to my xml: <?...
Alon Belkin's user avatar
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Add additional fields using Google Wallet Android SDK

I am trying to integrate google wallet into my react native expo app. I have implemented it using expo modules and it all works fine so far. There is one issue, I am trying to include additional row/...
user21851581's user avatar
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API for "Add to Google Wallet" equivalent to PayButton

Can't seem to find an equivalent PayButton for "Add to wallet" scenario. ButtonOptions for the PayButton don't have an ADD option. Any idea if there's an API for it rather than managing ...
sooper's user avatar
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How to integrate and test Google Wallet Feature if you are situated in a country where this application is not available?

Can you suggest ways by which I can use and test the Google Wallet application to add passes to it programmatically from my Android application? The current limitation that I am facing is, Google ...
Niru's user avatar
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Can I use frequently change code in Google Wallet?

So my task is to determine whether we can integrate Google Wallet or not. Every user has a unique QR code, but this code changes every time. This code can change for example if the code expires, or ...
Andreas1234's user avatar
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Fields from textModulesData showing in details screen but not showing on first screen after saving the pass to google wallet (Tabular Format)

I have just created generic class on google cloud and everything is empty and passing below json data to it as below I have just created generic class on google cloud and everything is empty and ...
Arwy Shelke's user avatar
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Google Wallet API java.lang.SecurityException: Unknown calling package name ''

I am integrating with Google Pay API by referring sample from It was working on my android 10 devices. But when I do the testing with android 9, and ...
Dinq's user avatar
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Google wallet NFC pass

Im having trouble adding NFC pass to Google wallet. I have successfully added normal pass with QR code but when wanting to enable smartTap it wont work. I have enabled smartTap in google wallet ...
Matko Setnik's user avatar
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how to call a method in startActivityForResult in android using kotlin?

I'm writing a native module in order to adding a generic pass to google wallet in React Native using kotlin. according to google wallet api documentation for android (
7th storm's user avatar
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Is there a react native package for adding generic passes to google wallet?

I am searching for a react native package which add generic passes into google wallet. There are some old packages that handle .pkpass files. But it's not what i'm looking for. Could anyone help me on ...
7th storm's user avatar
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how to add google pay pass into wallet app in android using JWTToken

I have been working on the Apple wallet pass and google wallet pass for my react native project. For iOS we are good with apple wallet pass implementation, but for android somethings are still not ...
Madhu's user avatar
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Generate and Read NFC Smart Tap Generic Pass in Google Wallet

I'm trying to integrate and use Google Wallet (API and Android SDK) for generating a Generic Pass with Smart Tap enabled, read it using another mobile phone and decrypt the payload. PRE: Given that ...
N Dorigatti's user avatar
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Request Failed [RpcClientException] when trying to pay with google pay TEST env

Google pay TEST env used to work, there haven't been any gpay related changes in my project for a year but now I started to get this error. This is on test environment. I get the error when I press ...
qwertyFanatic's user avatar

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