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Getting something went wrong when added google private passes

I'm getting an error after loading the genericprivate passes jwtlink from android app using below code. Linking.openURL(jwtlink) On the click on Add to Google Wallet button action, i'm opening the ...
Madhu's user avatar
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Cannot add Google Passes to wallet that I have generated

I am working on allowing users of my mobile app to add passes to their wallets on their mobile devices. I have had success with iOS, and thought I just had a breakthrough with Google, but have now ran ...
TreyCollier's user avatar
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Google Wallet Error Message (some Domain Error)

I am trying to generate a generic pass in Google Wallet but I get this error message: class POST response: { "error": { "code": 403, "message": "Permission denied.&...
Kurt's user avatar
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Google Pay API - Insert a Pass to the Google Pay App without the JWT

As the title suggest, I need help regarding the insertion of a Pass object into the Google Pay App (Android App) without the need for the user to go through the received JWT on the custom client App. ...
Fikret Basic's user avatar
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How to save an Offer to Google Wallet using JWT?

Actually I want to save an offer to 'Google Wallet'. As I haven't worked on it before I did some RND and came across this documentation. In this documentation they are creating Offer class object at ...
Dnyanesh M's user avatar
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Save to Android Pay: how to generate 2 unique ID's per object

I'm a real rookie with Android and especially 'Save to Android Pay' API. I'm following the Google's Guide and Google's Sample, in order to implement my own offer class and "Save to Android" button. ...
DMEM's user avatar
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How can I create Google Wallet Sandbox Account?

I am currently working on payment through google wallet. I have downloaded different sample codes but they are not working. I want to know that how can I create google wallet sandbox account for ...
Inzamam Shafiq's user avatar
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Google Wallet JWT "exp" parameter

I am integrating google wallet on my website, and didn't find the answer to this anywhere. Can the "exp" parameter of the JWT token be more than an hour? I see on every guide or library: 'exp' => ...
RazerWater's user avatar
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google-wallet post back decoding errors

My post back file for googlw-wallet digital goods is failing. I know i get a valid respose from google as i put in a test line to check i get a response that emailed the response to myself. As tested ...
dave's user avatar
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google-wallet subscriptions JWT array sequence order

my code produces a token array which is in the order required for the jwt however when i run the encode script it is re-sequenced to an alphabetical order. This causes a failure when submitted to ...
dave's user avatar
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Google Wallet Postback url email, pretty format JWT response in stdClass Object PHP for email

How do I make this text format from JWT Response in PHP Object into a nice print_r format in HTML. I've tried //Pretty format plain-text to HTML. $message = preg_replace("\n\r?\n", "</p&...
SSpoke's user avatar
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google wallet subscription JWT 400 MERCHANT_ERROR

When I generate and execute a non-subscription JWT in the Google developer sandbox, everything executes successfully. However, whenever I attempt to execute a subscription JWT, I encounter a 400 / ...
user3466628's user avatar
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Google Wallet Multiple Buttons on 1 Page - JWT & Callback

I am adding Google Wallet for Digital Goods to my simple Wordpress website. I have 5 products and do not mind if they need to be purchased one at a time (like Google Checkout). However, I am stumped ...
Mary Layman's user avatar
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Google wallet API Integration questions

I am new to integrate Google Wallet and there are some confusion and questions related to that given below: Is it possible to add multiple items for Google wallet? How to handle discount by API? What'...
Yashpal Singh's user avatar
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Will my PHP and JavaScript code for selling digital goods still work after Nov 20th?

I am using Google Payment Processing Services for multiple apps, and I am confused as to which I will be able to continue using. With one account I use for a web app (which sells credits for services ...
oliver_siegel's user avatar

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