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Fields from textModulesData showing in details screen but not showing on first screen after saving the pass to google wallet (Tabular Format)

I have just created generic class on google cloud and everything is empty and passing below json data to it as below I have just created generic class on google cloud and everything is empty and ...
Arwy Shelke's user avatar
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Google Wallet API java.lang.SecurityException: Unknown calling package name ''

I am integrating with Google Pay API by referring sample from It was working on my android 10 devices. But when I do the testing with android 9, and ...
Dinq's user avatar
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Is there a react native package for adding generic passes to google wallet?

I am searching for a react native package which add generic passes into google wallet. There are some old packages that handle .pkpass files. But it's not what i'm looking for. Could anyone help me on ...
7th storm's user avatar
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I am working on a UPI APP. I want to add my app as an option for payment via UPI, in dialog with other payment app

I have added intent-filter in the activity where I am doing the payments. Here are the details: <activity> ...... <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW&...
AndroidWithD's user avatar