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Add additional fields using Google Wallet Android SDK

I am trying to integrate google wallet into my react native expo app. I have implemented it using expo modules and it all works fine so far. There is one issue, I am trying to include additional row/...
user21851581's user avatar
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Getting something went wrong when added google private passes

I'm getting an error after loading the genericprivate passes jwtlink from android app using below code. Linking.openURL(jwtlink) On the click on Add to Google Wallet button action, i'm opening the ...
Madhu's user avatar
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how to call a method in startActivityForResult in android using kotlin?

I'm writing a native module in order to adding a generic pass to google wallet in React Native using kotlin. according to google wallet api documentation for android (
7th storm's user avatar
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Is there a react native package for adding generic passes to google wallet?

I am searching for a react native package which add generic passes into google wallet. There are some old packages that handle .pkpass files. But it's not what i'm looking for. Could anyone help me on ...
7th storm's user avatar
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how to add google pay pass into wallet app in android using JWTToken

I have been working on the Apple wallet pass and google wallet pass for my react native project. For iOS we are good with apple wallet pass implementation, but for android somethings are still not ...
Madhu's user avatar
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Push provisioning - Add card to apple and google wallet in react-native

I am working on a project, In which I need to add debit cards to Apple/Google Wallet, I have debit card details so How can I add that to Apple/Google Wallet with react-native?
Jatin Bhuva's user avatar
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Google Wallet Implementation on React Native for Android SDK

Hello I know google launched a react native api for google pay but not anything yet for google wallet. They have 0 samples of it on react yet for google wallet. This is for the android sdk. Does ...
Fawad Khuja's user avatar
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Wallet Android/iOS with EXPO

I'm looking for a lib that allows me to click: add wallet... to be automatically redirected to ios wallet or android wallet and add the ticket to the wallet. Is there any way to do this with expo?
Edson Junior's user avatar
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React Native Integration with Android Pay(android) and Apple Pay(iOS)

There is no official documentation around Android and Apple Pay integration with RN. Some of the libraries that are present are not been up to date. I'm afraid those will fail with RN 0.61. Any leads/...
red-devil's user avatar
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Payment token becomes undefined after the Android Pay process (getPaymentToken)

I have referred this - Here's my code (edited):> const METHOD_DATA = [{ supportedMethods: ['android-pay'], ...
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This merchant is not enabled for Google Pay. [Android, React-Native]

i need to integrate android/google Pay in my app. used react-native-payments for integrate native payment wallet. Sheet open in type os TEST mode but in release mode give error Like This merchant is ...
Hiren Vaghela's user avatar
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android cannot find symbol build errors

I am trying to install in my android react native project and am having a few errors during build around google wallet. I have tried the support thread of the ...
danwoodbury's user avatar
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What steps do I have to take to use React-native-Payments with CRNA (project template based on expo)?

I know that react-native-payments is already cross-platform but it does require certain steps like activating apple pay from the ios project and similar changes for Android. I wanted to know if ...
yycr's user avatar
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