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Dynamic Height Cell with XIB: Including UILabel and UIImageView

I’m trying to design a UITableViewCell with XIB that has the following layout and behavior: A UIView on the left with a fixed size of 44x44. A UILabel next to it, which expands dynamically based on ...
Hakan Or's user avatar
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How to Create a Dynamic Height Table Header with Title and Description in UITableView?

I have a UITableView and I want to display a dynamic header at the top of the table. I am trying to do this using tableHeaderView. The header contains a titleLabel and a descriptionLabel arranged ...
Hakan Or's user avatar
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UITableViewCell 's content height constraint can not refresh in reloadData?

I have a simple demo AutoSizing UITableView project like this : when you tap the tableview cells will make cell's red subview ‘s height constraint to bigger value(from original 60 to 100) and calling ...
ximmyxiao's user avatar
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UITextView in UIViewRepresentable: setting isScrollEnabled to false breaks the layout

I have a UITextView, within a UIViewRepresentable, so I can use it in a SwiftUI ScrollView. Im using intrinsic content sizing to set the frame of the content. This works great, until I set ....
Luke Smith's user avatar
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Problem with height calculation automatically to UICollectionView inside a UITableViewCell

Good? I have a problem with the implementation of a UICollectionview intro a UITableViewCell, because the height calculation of this component does not work properly, even though using ...
ramonfsk's user avatar
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How to keep UIView height consistent when UILabel text varies between 1 and 3 lines?

I have a view structure implemented in Swift using UIKit where a UIView contains a UILabel. The UILabel can have text with 1 line at minimum and up to 3 lines at maximum. I want to ensure that the ...
Yuuu's user avatar
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ScrollView start under the StatusBar

At the top of scrollView, I have an imageView and i want it to be at the top of the screen but no matter what i tried i could not find a way to put it on the top of the screen. It starts under the ...
traglen's user avatar
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UITextView Leaves a Gap Below Keyboard When Dismissing on Swipe in Live Chat Interface

I'm developing an iOS app in Swift with a global live chat interface. The interface includes a UITableView for messages, a UITextView for typing messages, and a send button. Everything is set up using ...
TheGuyWhoCantCode123's user avatar
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Autolayout interaction of Storyboard elements with UI elements created programmatically using Objective-C and Swift

Because, I have a very complicated storyboard, I thought it would be a good idea to add conditional elements programmatically. In particular, if the text for a UILabel in the storyboard is too great, ...
user6631314's user avatar
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Understanding behaviour of anchors with non-equal constraints

If i create a constraint like this. contentView.trailingAnchor.constraint(greaterThanOrEqualTo: bubbleImageView.trailingAnchor), Here is the result, checkout the blue bubble constraint. contentView ...
sumit kumar Pradhan's user avatar
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How to force break lines of a UILabel cell in a UICollectionView (Compositional Layout)

I have a UICollectionView that acts as a list of tags. It uses a horizontal compositional layout. Here is a screenshot: My problem is that if I have a tag longer than the collection's width, it ...
Kalzem's user avatar
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Why is KeyboardLayoutGuide not applied in viewIsAppearing() in iOS 15.0?

Since viewIsAppearing() appeared, I am using addSubview() in viewDidLoad() and applying Constraint in viewIsAppearing(). I placed the SearchBar at the bottom of the screen, and used ...
Joon's user avatar
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Crash: Thread 1: "Tried accessing the col index for a variable that is a row head:0x6000021a7b60.marker{id: 8773}.brokenNegError{id: 23368}" in swift

I am developing a chat application for iOS in swift. I am using different cells for text message, images, files etc having attributed labels in each cell to display formatted text, to sync with web ...
Muhammad Haroon Iqbal's user avatar
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Why does UIImage with SymbolConfiguration change UIImageView frame?

I am making UIImageView with UIImage.SymbolConfiguration. let config = UIImage.SymbolConfiguration(font: .preferredFont(forTextStyle: .title1)) imageView.image = UIImage(systemName: "person",...
Dewerro's user avatar
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When using autoresizing mask layout. How do I satisfy the warnings?

I get this warning. Views without any layout constraints may clip their content or overlap other views. However, I am using autoresizing mask, I shouldn't need to use constraints. Is there something ...
Zack Cheang Weng Seong's user avatar

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