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Steps to request oEmbed Read permissions for a Facebook app

I want to render an Instagram post in a web view on a iOS swift app and for that I intend to use the oEmbed Read API which gives me back the HTML that I can render on a webview. I have created a ...
Shawn Frank's user avatar
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Why does Instagram Stories throw an error when sharing an image via UIActivityViewController?

I am using UIActivityViewController to share an image to Instagram and other platforms. Here’s the code snippet I am using: let image = UIImage(named: "sample_image")! let activity = ...
ovo's user avatar
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How to share a video (PHAsset / AVAsset / AVURLAsset) to Messenger from an iOS app

How is it possible to programmatically share a video, eg one sourced from the users Photos Library, to Messenger? The Meta Documentation says that its possible to share a URL or a Photo. The header ...
Ric Santos's user avatar
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Facebook Limited Login in Unity Fails to Fetch Updated Friends List

When an iOS user logs in through Facebook Limited Login, the FB.Mobile.CurrentProfile() returns a list of friend IDs. However, the list remains outdated if the user kills our app and unfriends someone ...
Shoaib Aslam's user avatar
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Facebook Sign-in not redirecting to the app after successfully login

In my iOS swift application I have implemented a Facebook Sign-in. It worked perfectly. But recently when user try to login it is not redirecting to app after user successfully login. Its stuck in the ...
Amila's user avatar
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Facebook iOS SDK login callback not working

I'm trying to implement Facebook login via iOS SDK Following this tutorial: The callback function never gets called on success, it only gets ...
Leo's user avatar
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Facebook login for Business app type is not working

I have created a Business type app on Facebook Developer portal and configured my iOS app with App ID and client token. When user tries to login it shows error "It looks like this app isn't ...
Saurabh Bajaj's user avatar
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Is Facebook official SDK's are supporting or inbuilt with the Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)?

In our app, we log in using the official Facebook SKDs for Android and iOS. However, we received a report that a third-party malicious app could hijack our 0Auth Access token for our Android app. As a ...
enadun's user avatar
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Bindings iOS native library

I created a NuGet package Xamarin.Facebook.LoginKit.iOS which is built as a native binding library and has dependencies on Xamarin.Facebook.CoreKit.iOS. When I am trying to run it on real device it ...
Kubuś Puchatek's user avatar
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Flutter Error: “No podspec found for flutter_meta_sdk_flutter in .symlinks/plugins/flutter_meta_sdk_flutter/ios” when running Flutter project on iOS

I’m encountering an issue when running my Flutter project on iOS. The build fails with the error [!] No podspec found for 'flutter_meta_sdk_flutter' in '.symlinks/plugins/flutter_meta_sdk_flutter/ios'...
Waleed Alrashed's user avatar
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Error com.facebook.sdk.core - code: 8 When Switching to FBSDKLoginTrackingLimited

Facebook asked us to switch the tracking mode from enable to limited some time ago. I made this change, but I am getting the error "com.facebook.sdk.core - code: 8". I have been researching ...
Emir Can Uysal's user avatar
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How do Facebook post embeds appear in dark mode on iOS?

I am trying to embed facebook post in my app in iOS. Using the embed generator provided by Facebook, I can get the code. It all works fine in light mode but when I switch to dark mode, the background ...
androidStud's user avatar
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When clicking on a facebook post, sometimes I receive fb deeplink and sometimes the universal link of my app

Since recently, Universal links were working well with our app but recently for some users while clicking on a facebook post we receive via func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts URLContexts: ...
Alex Ad's user avatar
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How to add SkAdNetwork attribution manually for my iOS application on Unity (frontend) + node.js (backend) to launch an advertising campaign in Meta?

I have a requirement to develop an iOS application in Unity that interacts with a server on Node.js. One of the functions of this application is to display a WebView window. Within this WebView window,...
Sergey's user avatar
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Universal links, while clicking on a facebook post doesn't redirect on my iOS app for all users

We have implemented universal links since a moment on our app (so everything should be setted to make the universal links work with the well known and the metadata for facebook), but it seems that on ...
Alex Ad's user avatar
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