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How to get the content of a notification in XCUITest?

How to get the content of a notification in XCUITest, specifically the notification's identifier I have a piece of code in my app to show a notification as follows: - (NSString *)...
Dung Tran's user avatar
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How to migrate the NCWidgetProviding to WidgetKit in Objective-C iOS app

I need to migrate the NCWidgetProviding to WidgetKit, because the widget is not working in the iOS latest version like 18.1 and other versions. How to migrate this in Objective-C
sejn's user avatar
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Can UIDocumentInteractionControllerDelegate notify when user save file

Is there a UIDocumentInteractionControllerDelegate callback to detect when user save file on the phone, on cloud or everywhere else ? I can see didEndSendingToApplication to detect when a file is sent ...
Eng's user avatar
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How to animate an UIView by setting its frame that has auto layout constraints?

I have a UIView subclass called MyView as such @implementation MyView { UIView<SomeImageProtocol> *_imageView; } - (instancetype) init { if (self = super) { _imageView = ... [self ...
夢のの夢's user avatar
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I cannot access the access token in SessionManager on Spotift IOS SDK

Even though everything is perfect and set up correctly, the accessToken is not returning. I'm running my project in xCode on WmWare I'm testing it on a real device, I'm connected to the PC via cable....
Metehan's user avatar
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Unable to access Objective-C types in Swift when building with Bazel

I'm trying to build a mixed Swift/Objective-C library using Bazel, but Swift code cannot access types defined in the Objective-C header. I've spent nearly two weeks researching and trying various ...
jack45j's user avatar
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Upload PDF from shared local storage in iOS (Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox..) to server with Ktor Fails

I am developing a feature for my app where user can upload a PDF from shared storage in device (Drive, onDrive, Dropbox,..) I am using Kotlin Multiplatform 2.0.20 This is the code i am using to upload ...
Kaouther Mefteh's user avatar
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theos tweak unable to read file when jailed

I'm not sure if I'm actually stupid or if iOS is playing tricks on me, I have a peculiar situation where my tweak is unable to read out a file using UIDocumentPicker it works in a jailbroken ...
Adrian Castro's user avatar
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CoreData re-encrypt string property

I'm using Core Data in my iOS application and I have one property that is encrypted using ValueTransformer: class EncryptedStringTransformer: ValueTransformer { private var encryptionKey: String init(...
YosiFZ's user avatar
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CoreMotion: attitude (roll/pitch/yaw) returning very inaccurate values

I want to add a "bubble horizon" to a camera application to help the user keep their iPhone level. For this, I'm using the CoreMotion Attitude functionality of CMMotionManager. However, the ...
Bram Bos's user avatar
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Caret is hiding behind UITextField border

I'm adding offset to caret to it was not just behind symbol, but 2 points away. public final class MyTextField: UITextField { override public func caretRect(for position: UITextPosition) -> ...
Konstantin.Efimenko's user avatar
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Overlapping Video Frames in RPBroadcastSampleHandler with ReplayKit

On iOS, when using ReplayKit to record the screen, overlapping video frames appear in the callback of RPBroadcastSampleHandler. I am recording video on iOS using ReplayKit and found that after copying ...
zm2529's user avatar
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React-Native PencilKit: Strokes at the edges of canvasView flicker for a couple seconds when user draws after zooming in on canvas

Implemented iOS PencilKit for React-native with a native bridge. The canvasView's content area can be panned and zoomed. However, I'm encountering a strange behavior... When drawing in the content ...
Chris's user avatar
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Qt6 using Objective-C script in CPP (H) file

Normally, I use only *.h files in my c++ project as scripts are short and I don't need to really generate many files. So, currently I have a c++ script used only in a header file. Also in there, I ...
Jiri Zaloudek's user avatar
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iOS Camera Freezes and Crashes with MLKit Barcode Scanning in Kotlin Multiplatform

I'm developing an app using Kotlin Multiplatform and Googles MLKit for barcode scanning. I'm unable to create a VisionImage in the captureOutput method of a ...
BvitCzty's user avatar

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