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mimic photos app collectionview spacing when not scrolling

Please use this gif as reference for expected result Work is in progress and public in this github I'm using default UICollectionViewFlowLayout and set custom sizing for the selected cell when ...
Eddie's user avatar
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Showing random number of items per line

I have 15 categories that I want to show on the screen. I want to do the following Create a box for each category so that the label fits in that box Render as many items on the screen so that it fits....
Chris Hansen's user avatar
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NSCollectionLayoutItem created with invalid combination of spacing and size specified

I am using UICollection View Compositional Layout to calculate the items and groups i encountered this error Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: '<...
Mahameed's user avatar
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Calculating sizeForItemAt for UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout

I've been messing around with NASA's Astronomical Picture of the Day API and am attempting to show the images in a collection view with three items per row. As expected, I'm using ...
mlecoz's user avatar
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How to use header with dynamic heigh / AutoLayout in UICollectionView in iOS 18?

Although I found several tutorials / questions about dynamically sizing cells UICollectionView I was not able to achieve the same for the header view. TL;DR How to autosize a UICollectionView header? ...
Andrei Herford's user avatar
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UI errors with downloading files

I'm using this code to download my files and display progress in a my collection view item. But if I hide the app while some items are downloading and after open app again, the progress in the item ...
Alex Smith's user avatar
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UICollectionView Crash: Expected dequeued view to be returned - Need Help Fixing Cell Reuse Issue

I'm facing a recurring crash in my iOS app with a UICollectionView. The crash message is as follows: Error Message: Thread 1: "Expected dequeued view to be returned to the collection view in ...
iOS iOSBEKOV's user avatar
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How to show progress in collection view item?

I'm using UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout with UICollectionViewCell class. Also I have a DownloadManager class. I want to download a file after clicking a cell. I'm using didSelectItemAt method to ...
Alex Smith's user avatar
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Can I use UICollectionView to render sub-sections within sections?

I've been digging around for quite a while (including an hour with ChatGPT) to try and figure out a way to achieve this UI using UICollectionView: The iOS dev in me who has been doing this for 10+ ...
Westley's user avatar
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Problem with height calculation automatically to UICollectionView inside a UITableViewCell

Good? I have a problem with the implementation of a UICollectionview intro a UITableViewCell, because the height calculation of this component does not work properly, even though using ...
ramonfsk's user avatar
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UICollectionViewDelegate method not called in iOS 18 for item movement

I'm experiencing an issue with a UICollectionViewDelegate method not being called in iOS 18, while it works fine in iOS 17.5 and earlier. I'm using Xcode 16.0.0 for development. The Problem In my app, ...
0xymnds's user avatar
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Is there any way to using UICollectionViewCell's self-sizing only in vertical direction?

I am writing a demo about the difference using compositional layout & traditional flow layout with UICollectionView. I found that if I want to set the cell’s width equal to the UICollectionView’s ...
ximmyxiao's user avatar
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UICollectionView is unresponsive during cell resize animations despite .allowUserInteraction option

I'm experiencing an issue with UICollectionView where the cells become unresponsive to touch events during animations, even though I'm using the .allowUserInteraction option. I've created a minimal ...
shinhong's user avatar
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Collectionview compositional layout with estimated item height with large dataSource hanging issue

If we give the low number of items in a dataSource it won't cause the hanging the issue. If we give more than 10000+ data you can see the hanging issue. import UIComponents class TextViewCell: ...
S SANTOSH's user avatar
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CRASH: Swift UIKit Dictionary _NativeSet.startIndex.getter

This crash is happening in production and is related to UICollectionView.CellRegistration or dequeueConfiguredReusableCell or UIViewController being deallocated. Here is the report: Crashlytics - ...
Ryan Ashton's user avatar

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