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-1 votes
1 answer

What happens when retroactive conformance actually conflict in Swift

So I have this code: struct GameState: Equatable { let position: SCNVector3 } extension SCNVector3: @retroactive Equatable { ... } I have to put retroactive here to silence a compiler warning, ...
-2 votes
0 answers


We have received a crash report from AppStore connect / Xcode, TCC_CRASHING_DUE_TO_PRIVACY_VIOLATION on an iPhone 12 Pro running iOS 18.1 (unfortunately, we don't know the user and how did they get ...
0 votes
0 answers

After upgrade to flutter 3.27 app redirect to not found page on IOS release only

After deleting and reinstalling the app in release mode on iOS, it redirects to a "Not Found" page. Even after disabling all logic in the splash screen (leaving only the view), the issue ...
1 vote
3 answers

My theos tweak stops working after adding a custom dylib file to it

I've created a simple tweak, using Theos, that adds an yellow UIView to the app window (nothing special), and it works perfectly. Then I made a dylib file (called AlertLib), containing one class (...
2 votes
3 answers

Pre populate database in KMM on iOS side using SQLDelight

I want to pre-populate the database in my KMM project. I’m using SQLDelight. I have this implementation for the Android side. actual fun Scope.createDriver(): SqlDriver { val context = ...
0 votes
0 answers

iOS and Focus on Search Form on a Webpage: Unwanted Enlargement of the whole page

I have a form field of the type "search" on a valid* page: <search> <form action= method=get target=_blank> <input type=hidden name=cx ...
0 votes
0 answers

UITextView in input bar does not stay attached to keyboard after dismissal

I’m building a chat feature for my iOS app with a custom input bar (UITextView and "Send" button) that stays attached to the keyboard. When the user types, the input bar behaves as expected ...
-2 votes
0 answers

build an interactive map application [closed]

I would like to develop a mobile application that provides the user with a detailed, geo-located interactive map of a specific area. The goal is to accurately locate the user and provide a pre-defined ...
54 votes
3 answers

didReceiveRemoteNotification: fetchCompletionHandler: open from icon vs push notification

I'm trying to implement background push notification handling, but I'm having issues with determining whether the user opened the app from the push notification that was sent as opposed to opening it ...
0 votes
0 answers

Crash inside of Vision framework during VNImageRequestHandler use

I've been dealing with a puzzling issue for some time now, and I’m hoping someone here might have insights or suggestions. The Problem: We’re observing an occasional crash in our app that seems to ...
2 votes
2 answers

Making AWS Product Advertising API Request iOS

Today I have been unable to make a request for an "ItemSearch" request for the product advertising API for AWS. First off, this was working Monday February 24th and now March 1st it does not ...
3 votes
1 answer

Withings API - accessing protected resources

I'm writing an iOS app that pulls Withings data and am using code from simple-oauth1 (which I previously used successfully to talk to the Fitbit API). I successfully obtained a request token, ...
1 vote
0 answers

getTaskManager().getTask() in Glympse EnRoute API returning 0

I am using EnRoute API and Glympse server to store tasks for agents for my application. I am able to log in with credentials. However, when I am trying to show all the tasks on my table view cells ...
5 votes
2 answers

What am I doing wrong with the Pocket API for Objective-C that's causing archive commands to fail?

I'm really scratching my head at this one. I'm using the Pocket API to allow users to archive Pocket articles from my app, but whenever I try to do so with the below code I get this error: Error ...
-1 votes
0 answers

Issues with app-ads.txt Verification in Google AdMob

I’m encountering an issue with app-ads.txt verification in Google AdMob. I selected 'Verify App' in 'App Verification'. Despite following all the steps and confirming that the file is properly set up, ...

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