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Unable to get Metric Kit logs on iOS devices for past 24 hours on Test Flight Build I am unable to get the MetricKit logs for past 24 hours time period on my test flight build. I have been able to achieve immediate logs for crash, ...
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In iOS, Change accessibility text of a UIView element based on the focus direction

Can the accessibility text of a UIView be changed based on the direction the focus it received. Example: I have a layout as rendered below, Top Label followed by Collection view, followed by Bottom ...
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How to check if a SCNNode's geometry is visible and not obstructed by other nodes in SceneKit?

I have a container with many toy nodes. I want to touch the screen to pick up all the visible nodes. I did a hit test to get the list of all nodes in my touch location. However, some of the nodes are ...
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How to set physics body correctly to accommodate custom pivot in SceneKit

I need to set the physics body of a node. When I have a custom pivot but without scales or rotation, I can simply transform the shape by the inverse of the pivot, like this: let boxGeo = SCNBox(...
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