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Can Virtual Threads improve querying a database in Java?

I wanted to try power of virtual threads in Java in a simple application which consists of many tasks. Each task executes a query agains a database which takes around 10 seconds. My expectation was ...
CodeGrinder's user avatar
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How to add paths of generated DTOs to classpath for Spring Boot tests?

I'm writing tests and I can't change existing code. My current project uses the OpenAPI to generate DTOs based on YAML descriptions. These DTOs are located in the /target folder and they are not ...
User123's user avatar
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Why java.util.Date object does not update itself at runtime?

I need to save the date while program is running but the date object does not update itself at runtime how can I update date object. public static void main(String[] args) { try { Scanner ...
Ali Fuat Akyemiş's user avatar
-3 votes
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Parse JSON java Android [duplicate]

After decrypt of encoded API response got the json string as follow."{\"result\":\"SUCCESS\",\"ts\":\"2024-12-12T13:18:07+05:30\"}". In this above ...
Rajendra's user avatar
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Unable to deploy spring boot 3.x to weblogic 14.1.1

I'm trying to deploy Spring Boot 3.x on WebLogic 14.1.1 then it's throwing an error as shown in the screenshot below. But when I downgraded Spring version to 2.x, the deployment works as expected. ...
Vutha Sothea's user avatar
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Swing JButton text encoding

I was playing around with Swing, and faced following problem with text encoding with JButton class So would be grateful for explanation or some links explaining why this code display broken text - 'Р'...
momopoi's user avatar
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When are the coder and value set when I give a string constant in my java code, for example "ë" or "π"? [closed]

When I have a string constant in a java program, for example "ë", I see in the debugger that the coder=latin1 and the value is the byte -21. When I have the string "π", I see that ...
ericj's user avatar
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How to Dynamically update UI in javaFX?

I am sorry if this is a dumb question it is my first time using javafx i am trying to learn. I am making a JavaFX project that involves updating the contents of a pane by clicking an item. The way it ...
Floppa Flopz's user avatar
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Z-Order problem while displaying isometric tiles

I have a little problem while displaying isometric tiles in my school game. The fact is that I suppose everything is ok with my code... Here is how it's organised: architecture: MVC + ECS everything ...
Pax's user avatar
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org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ParameterResolutionException: Weld has failed to resolve test parameter [int arg0] in method

Issue with JUnit 5.9.1 @ParameterizedTest and Weld (JDK 17) Hello, I am using JUnit 5.9.1 for testing with JDK 17, and when I try to run a test with @ParameterizedTest, I encounter the following error:...
Storg's user avatar
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Print a sequence of numbers adding one number each time

I need to write a programm that, when inserted a number, it print a sequence of numbers from 1 to that number, in separate lines adding a number each time. Example: if you insert 8, it print 1 1 2 1 2 ...
matteo panaro's user avatar
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JNI Issue: Passing Java Runnable Object to JNI in Custom Gluon Attach Plugin

I am developing a custom Gluon Attach plugin and encountering issues with passing a Java Runnable object from Java to JNI. Despite reviewing the Gluon Attach plugin source code (which unfortunately ...
CTO - Abid Maqbool's user avatar
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What arrows to use in component diagrams to show relations between JPMS layers?

JPMS supports multiple layers. For example boot layer and its two child layers. And I need to show these layers on UML diagram. For this I selected component diagram where every layer is a component. ...
Stefman1987's user avatar
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I can't find openjdk-21-jdk package in Debian disto

E: Unable to locate package openjdk-21-jdk mkaksoy@MehmetKaanAksoy ~ % sudo apt install openjdk-21-jdk Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done ...
Mehmet Kaan Aksoy's user avatar
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Looking for a Memory-Efficient Alternative to Awaitility for Handling Asynchronous Tasks in Tests

I frequently use Awaitility in my tests to handle asynchronous operations. However, each Awaitility call spawns threads, which results in high memory consumption when running large tests. I’m ...
Sal-laS's user avatar
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