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Problem with request in my react native app

I'm the newbie here and newbie in React and laravel (computer science student) I have problem with react native app. I have backend with api on WSL with Laravel.React native app on Windows 11. Problem ...
jacobszu-ddd's user avatar
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How should I reference different files for different devices using Angular?

So this is my project's structure in version 18.2.8. enter image description here This is the structure if I'm looking with a pc: enter image description here What I want to do is to show a css file ...
Miler_2's user avatar
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Scrolling the modal window in React

I created a component in React that I use as a modal window that opens when you click on a button, but I don't know how to make it scroll when it opens, and not the main window. import close from '/...
Полина Фомичева's user avatar
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how to make a function inside a function can can only be called inside that function JavaScript [duplicate]

how to make a function inside a function can can only be called inside that function JavaScript like function idk(callback) { function test() { console.log("Test function called!&...
Minecraft Noob's user avatar
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How to ensure type compatibility without assertions or typeguards

I am trying to enforce type compatibility between a dynamically fetched object and a specific interface, without relying on assertions, type casting, or runtime checks like typeguards. Here's a ...
stambolievv's user avatar
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Acessing variable outside the scope in handlebars

i have this handlebars template, that looks like this {{#each leagues}} <tr> <td>{{leagueName}}</td> <td>{{season}}</td> <td> <form action="/...
marco's user avatar
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Calendar Events Not Reaching Laravel Controller or Database

I'm trying to save events created in a Calendar to my database using Laravel. I have a route, controller, and AJAX request set up, but the event data doesn't seem to be reaching the controller or ...
Dangelo Antoine's user avatar
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Nopecha integration with playwrigth

Iam using playwright with nodejs and trying to solve the following captcha using nopecha without having to install the extension. Captcha screenshot. I installed Nopecha using Nodejs command "npm ...
Younes BEC's user avatar
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How to detect users using @twa-dev/sdk for a TMA (Telegram Mini App)?

I want to create a TMA (Telegram Mini App) using @twa-dev/sdk. I don't any auth in the app but I need to pass a something like Telegram ID, etc. to my API endpoint to save/retrieve user related data ...
Ali Bahaari's user avatar
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How to add custom message on Zod tuple?

I want to return a custom message on a Zod tuple. I did not find any way to do that. Returned message: Array must contain at least 4 element(s) Code: z.tuple([ z.enum(), z.number(), z....
StackKaan's user avatar
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How to pass a react component to a object property as value in TS

I have a routes.ts file. And I'm declaring my routes object as below - type PublicRoute = { path: string, element: JSX.Element } const publicRoutes: Array<PublicRoute> = [ { ...
orange_ball_ss's user avatar
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document.getElementById is not a function [closed]

I was watching a name input tutorial from Bro Code. However when I did the same as him, the browser says "document.getElementById is not a function" I want a button that changes the label to ...
Turbold Batjargal's user avatar
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Handling events on Metronic Tailwind CSS components in Blazor

I am attempting to use Metronic (9.x) with Blazor, and have started a project based on the official sample found here:
Karl's user avatar
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Replace default mouse cursor in Gmail and Chromium

I am trying to replace the default (ugly) mouse cursors that Gmail uses within Chromium. This problem does not happen in Firefox. So far, I have the following code... I detect the custom icon I ...
cacamailg's user avatar
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Why my css transition failed to implement my expected sliding?

I am trying to make a very simple display time project for practicing my coding skills, the main implementation logic is completed, but there is a tiny problem is that I want to implement a fancy way ...
Rookie's user avatar
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