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Android Studio App crashes sometimes when trying to get data from local webserver [duplicate]

I am currently trying to build my first app with android studio. I am trying to access data from a webserver My code is: class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(...
user28783786's user avatar
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How to suspend coroutine in a composable function until a specific value appears in a SnapshotStateList

How to properly wait for a specific value to be added to a SnapshotStateList defined in a ViewModel from a Composable function. My current implementation executes immediately without waiting for the ...
Takana's user avatar
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Kotlin variable vs field initialization semantics [duplicate]

Let's consider the following Koltin code: val a: Int = 1 class A { val a: Int = a // error here: a is not initialized fun f() { val a = a // this is fine, a on the right-hand side ...
Wickoo's user avatar
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How to get real time Location Data in DJI SDK?

I want to get real time data of my current drone location like Latitude and Longitude I tried this code and it is not working at all. KeyManager.getInstance().listen( ...
Wojciech Krawczyk's user avatar
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ld: framework 'FirebaseCore' not found

I have a kmm app that uses Firebase. In the android project, the packages are found in the build process, the problem is with the ios app. When I try to build the iOS app, I receive the error: > ...
dhaval123's user avatar
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sh script runs from Terminal but not when called from Kotlin

so I got an application which is using a slippy map, hosted by a MapTiler server. I've wrote a little sh script called to start up the server: #! /bin/sh ./maptiler-server --workDir &...
Chicovara's user avatar
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Fragment Container View Loose NavGraph

I have a function to create a new bottom sheet dialog in my main activity which contain a fragment container view to display a nav graph. private fun showBottomSheet() { // Create the ...
Tuấn Nguyễn's user avatar
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android Task :app:connectedDebugAndroidTest fails with error : caused by: org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMException: malformed sequence in RSA private key

i'm trying to run basic instrumented test on my android app , to test room database , when i lunch the test , the task :app:connectedDebugAndroidTest always fails and throws the following error ...
kamal douma's user avatar
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Detecting ambient mode in Wear OS 5

I have a ComplicationDataSourceService that needs to be notified when the watch goes into ambient mode or the screen turns off. Prior to Wear OS 5, I was using DisplayListener.onDisplayChanged to ...
rjr-apps's user avatar
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Trying to understand the UI in Android Studio with Kotlin and have a question about modifier.weight()

So I have an Issue about understanding the modifier.wheigt(), so as I understand the function just divides the space and I am doing the Practice Tutorial about the "ComposeQuadrant" and the ...
Mertus Mentoles's user avatar
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How to update a value of a UiState on a StateFlow?

Having this on my viewmodel: val uiState: StateFlow<BusStopsDBScreenUiState> = busDataRepository.getBusStops() .map<List<BusStop>, BusStopsDBScreenUiState> { busStops -> ...
NullPointerException's user avatar
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Catching CompletionException from kotlin function

My ultimate goal is to find the number of partitions for a Pulsar topic (Getting number of partitions of a Pulsar topic: could not be parsed into a proper Uri, missing scheme) but in the process of an ...
dmonopoly's user avatar
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Getting number of partitions of a Pulsar topic: could not be parsed into a proper Uri, missing scheme

I'm unable to get the number of partitions from a topic via the PulsarAdmin API: val admin: PulsarAdmin = PulsarAdmin .builder() ....
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Can exceptions be used to handle network errors? [closed]

I noticed that in all the examples of working with the network (Retrofit, Ktor, etc.) create sealed classes like this: sealed interface ApiResponse<out T> { data class Success<T> : ...
xephosbot's user avatar
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App fails when trying to retrieve ID auto increment Android

I am trying to get the last added or inserted record in the sqlite database/table based on the auto increment "id" Integer, but my app keeps crashing. Here is my Kotlin code. @SuppressLint(&...
ThN's user avatar
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