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Cannot check for instance of erased type

I have a function which accepts one parameter - Any. There is a when block where I check all possibile types I want to support and throw in case the type is unknown. fun toAttributeValue(value: Any): ...
Reddi's user avatar
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kotlin behavior with generics seems inconsistent

If I try to compile this code: fun main(){ val listOfStrings = listOf("hi", "hello") when(listOfStrings) { is List<Int> -> println("OK") // ...
UndefinedBehavior's user avatar
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Android Custom Image Editor

The function adjusts the crop rectangle position to ensure it fits within the rotated and scaled image bounds. It respects the target aspect ratio if locked. Rotation, scaling, and aspect ratio ...
srianth-Dev's user avatar
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How can I use a type parameter to create a generic object?

Let's say I have this class: class GenericClass<T>( private val param1: String = "" private val param2: ((String, String) -> Unit)? = null ) { ... } and I have these ...
Marina Finetti's user avatar
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Kotlin equivalent of C# new() generic constraint

Is there an equivalent to the following C# code in Kotlin? public T New<T>() where T:new() { return new T(); } I'm aware I can use reflection to construct types at runtime as well as ...
Ian Newson's user avatar
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Android Studio / Kotlin: Which code formatter rule controls indentation of this line?

I have the following piece of Kotlin code: fun test( param: Pam< ParamPam, Param, PamParam > // which formatting rule controls indentation of this line? ) { } ...
goshki's user avatar
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Proper Kotlin declaration of Generics for higher-order functions

I currently have a situation where I have a couple of data classes (Script and FreeScript) that I want to handle in the same fashion in some code what walks a dataset. For example: fun toScripts(...
BobDoolittle's user avatar
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Strict generics in Kotlin

Given I have the following code interface Animal {} class Cat() : Animal {} class Dog() : Animal {} class MyClass<B, A : List<B>>(val list1: A, val list2: A) {} It looks like I can ...
Pedro Borges's user avatar
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Unit tests to verify override methods with generic parameters

I am trying to add tests to verify the functionality of a derived class overridden method with generics, but I just cannot get it to work. I've tried using a spy as well as partial mocks. I want to ...
Fahad's user avatar
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kotlin get enum value by it's generic type in case it is enum

I'm working on a task to create an API to application string properties which can be represented as Enum, Int, String and probably some more types. So I tried to write kind of this class: object ...
mr.nothing's user avatar
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Kotlin, how to create a generic factory that creates subtypes?

I am struggling to find a way to reduce the factory boilerplate in my code. I have a base view model class, that all view models extend from. This view model uses generics to determine the type of its ...
Felipe Ribeiro R. Magalhaes's user avatar
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Kotlin generic interface used in Map of that same interface

I have the following implementations: interface Validator<T: Request<R>, R> { fun validate(paymentCmd: T): Pair<ValidationResult, R> } The interface Request have nothing, it is ...
Luis Mauri's user avatar
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How to invoke method when parameter is a generic

We have a huge list with implementation instances of a generic interface. Then we get an element of any type. With some filter logic we find the correct instance out of the list. How can we invoke a ...
Marcel's user avatar
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Meaning of words "in" and "out" in Kotlin generics

I learn kotlin generics but naming makes me crazy. Let consider 2 code snippets in java and in Kotlin which do the same job: 1. java public void copy(List<? extends Number> from, List<? ...
gstackoverflow's user avatar
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Type mismatch for custom generic type in Kotlin

In Kotlin I can write: fun foo(): List<String> { return ArrayList<String>().apply { this.add("1234") } } and it works without any issues. But I tried to do the same with my ...
gstackoverflow's user avatar

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