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android Task :app:connectedDebugAndroidTest fails with error : caused by: org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMException: malformed sequence in RSA private key

i'm trying to run basic instrumented test on my android app , to test room database , when i lunch the test , the task :app:connectedDebugAndroidTest always fails and throws the following error ...
kamal douma's user avatar
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Unable to Build the project

Unable to build the project, working fine in my teammate laptop cross checked with all the configuration but none of them worked help me stuck from 2 months A problem occurred configuring root project ...
gokul pabbiti's user avatar
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Android kotlin Failed to upload the mavne configured for all submodules in the root directory configuration, name 'release' not found

child module build.gradle.kts group = "net.xxxx.xxxx" version = "1.0.0" plugins { alias( // 8.7.3 alias(libs.plugins....
skynoface's user avatar
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Content is not allowed in prolog in running Gradle in Jetpack compose

What is the solution to "Content is not allowed in prolog", in Kotlin Jetpack Compose when running your code. What can I do to solve that? The error is failing to allowed the gradle(sync) to ...
Phinehas Nehemiah's user avatar
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Kotlin Gradle Multi Module Spring Project Shared Test Dependencies

I was looking a way to create shared test dependencies under test folder in a Kotlin - Gradle - Spring Boot multi module project. For example: -parent-module -child_1_module - scr - main - ...
kokk.nik's user avatar
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Realm DB issue after converting Groovy DSL Gradle to Kotlin DSL and TOML

I converted my gradle file into kts based and created toml but realm db case i am getting error help me in this > Could not resolve all files for configuration ':app:debugRuntimeClasspath'. > ...
humayoon siddique's user avatar
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Provided Metadata instance has version 2.1.0, while maximum supported version is 2.0.0. To support newer versions, update the kotlinx-metadata-jvm

I tried to geneate the apk in Flutter, and then it show me this error: ERROR: R8: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Provided Metadata instance has version 2.1.0, while maximum supported version is 2....
Asfandyar's user avatar
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capacitor app: Inconsistent JVM-target compatibility detected for tasks

I am getting following error while compiling my capacitor app in android studio: Execution failed for task ':capacitor-barcode-scanner:compileDebugKotlin'. > Inconsistent JVM-target compatibility ...
Hello World's user avatar
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Kotlin - new api warnings (e.g. removeFirst, removeLast) not working in my KMP project

The docs say following: Consider removing @SuppressLint("NewApi") and lintOptions { disable 'NewApi' } if the lint option has been disabled. Doesn't that mean that building a project ...
prom85's user avatar
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I am struggling compiling Android project in Android Studio with Dagger/Hilt and Proguard

So I am pretty new to Android Studio, and Android development; my background is Java fullstack. I started by creating a default template from Android Studio and moved my code (and code from a dagger ...
Robert Koch's user avatar
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How to add artifact to a configuration in Gradle Kotlin DSL?

I have a java project that currently uses groovy + gradle. One of the sub-projects builds a test jar so that another sub-project can depend on and use the test jar. I want to migrate all the groovy ...
Kevin's user avatar
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flutter build failure with problem occurred configuring project

i'm building a flutter app where i'm using better_player plugin, the app was running just fine until it started giving me this error when i run it: Launching lib/main.dart on SM N950F in debug mode... ...
Martin Wittick's user avatar
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Kotlin project is not correctly loaded after IntelliJ update

Good morning, I updated my intellij and since then my kotlin projects in micronaut won't load properly. When I click somewhere it gives me popup: Cannot find declaration to go to. Root Application....
Denis Stephanov's user avatar
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failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c ./gradlew dependencies --no-daemon" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1

I have created a Kotlin application in IntelliJ with the following settings: Name: ktdocker Build System: Gradle JDK: corretto-20 Gradle DSL: Kotlin GroupID: com.demo When I try to containerize this ...
Europa's user avatar
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Issue on Play Store Instant App 'Try Now' button dissapear

I have an existing base app published in both Production and Internal Testing, currently at version code 100 (1.2.0). I then created a separate project for my instant app since its features are ...
Ivan's user avatar
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