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How we can collect flows from another collect or nested flow?

I am getting Flow of records (Flow<List<Record>) from Dao, now on the basis of these records I have to fetch another list of flows (Flow<List<AnotherRecord>>) , but collect ...
Shubham Kumar's user avatar
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How to react to changes in two tables with Kotlin Flow and Android Room database

I have two simple tables. ProductId Brand Name Description 1 ... ... ... 2 ... ... ... 3 ... ... ... ProductId Favourite ShoppingList 1 false true 3 true false The first table stores the data ...
logamd's user avatar
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Kotlin flow replay

Is there a way I can 'replay' the last emitted value for a certain subscriber instead of setting 'replay' to the producer? I just want only a certain subscriber to get the replayed value and not the ...
Mohsin Falak's user avatar
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Combine Kotlin Unit flows without transform function

I have currently two SharedFlows that I need to combine to do something, but I don't really need the result from the transformation function, I only want to know if both "events" started yet....
Pedro Romano Barbosa's user avatar
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How can I get a previous emission Kotlin Flow?

Let me use a simple image to illustrate what I want to get: I don't want to use SharedFlow's replayCache to achieve this because if a new observer observes that SharedFlow, it will get 2 emissions ...
Sira Lam's user avatar
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Why is tryEmit not included in the FlowCollector interface?

MutableSharedFlow and MutableStateFlow (via inheritance) include both the emit suspend function and the best effort, non-suspend tryEmit. But FlowCollector only includes emit in the interface. It ...
Ajmal Kunnummal's user avatar
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Flow wait some time, then gather all emitted elements into a list, and keep this process running

I have a flow producer that will emit elements with random period, I don't want to handle these elements once it emit, I'd rather gather them into a list, then handle them, and keep this process ...
Toffee Lu's user avatar
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How to combine results from a suspend function and a flow in kotlin?

Guys imagine I have these two sources of data: val flowA: Flow<String> suspend fun funB(): Int How can I combine the result of both into a flow (let's say Flow<Pair<String, Int>>)? ...
Androider2's user avatar
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How to chain API requests using Kotlin Flow

Based on a list of ids I need to retrieve a list of users with detailed informaiton of each user. Below a simplification of my models and API; data class UserDTO(val id: String) data class PetDTO(val ...
Diego Palomar's user avatar
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How can I consume the results of two coroutines returning two different Result types?

Coroutine 1 returns Result<A>; Coroutine 2 returns Result<B>; Both results need to map to some kind of UI format, e.g. MenuItem; If coroutine 1 fails, the process should terminate and ...
xavierdominguez's user avatar
14 votes
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Kotlin Flow execute two API calls in parallel and collect each result as it arrives

I am trying to implement cache then network strategy for my API call using Kotlin Flows. Here is what I am trying right now flowOf( remoteDataSource.getDataFromCache() // suspending function ...
Abhishek Bansal's user avatar
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How to stop Kotlin flow when certain condition occurs

I want to cancel kotlin flow if certain condition occurred in code. Suppose i have a method as following fun test(): Flow<String> = flow { val lst = listOf("A", "B", "C") while(true) {...
Rajesh's user avatar
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