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ld: framework 'FirebaseCore' not found

I have a kmm app that uses Firebase. In the android project, the packages are found in the build process, the problem is with the ios app. When I try to build the iOS app, I receive the error: > ...
dhaval123's user avatar
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Super methods in service class In Floating Pop up

public void onReceive(final Context context, final Intent intent) { Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Receieved notification about network status"); WindowManager wm = (WindowManager) context....
Abhishek Ranjan's user avatar
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Azure Function Deployment Fails with NullPointerException in DeployFunctionAppTask.doExecute

I am working on deploying an Azure Function App using a Bicep template and Quarkus framework, but the deployment fails with the following error: Execution failed for task ':quarkus:deploy'. io....
FaheDevvs's user avatar
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Use iOS library in KMP project

I am importing pure iOS libraries into a KMP project using native CocoaPods Gradle plugin. For example: cocoapods { ... pod("FirebaseCrashlytics") { version = "11.6.0" ...
Freesko's user avatar
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Kotlin multiplatform gradle sync issues

Since i started learning to use kotlin multiplatform with compose, im having issues with gradle sync all the time and i would like to know what it means. im posting an example error but it happened ...
Nogi's user avatar
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Compose button failed lock verification and will run slower

When I use Button in compose multiplatform below log printed. Example usage: Button(onClick = { }) { Text("Todo") } Method boolean ...
Mobile Dev's user avatar
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Create restructure android project to work with KMM Compose?

I am trying to migrate my app created using Kotlin and Jetpack compose to KMM. I want to structure it how the wizard tool for creating Compose Multiplatform project structures it. This seems harder ...
Erick Sorto's user avatar
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Kotlin Flow does not work as expected if the user does not use the app

I have a food delivery KMM app, and for fetching the restaurants lists, I am not sure if I should use Flow or suspend methods. I use KMM with Firestore, and my biggest concern is having the data up to ...
Cipri's user avatar
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How to use Flow in iOS from my kotlin repository?

In my KMM app, I have my kotlin shared code with this method: fun getUserProfile(): Flow<UserInfo?> = firestore.collection("UserInfo").document(auth.currentUser!!.uid)....
Cipri's user avatar
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Kotlin - new api warnings (e.g. removeFirst, removeLast) not working in my KMP project

The docs say following: Consider removing @SuppressLint("NewApi") and lintOptions { disable 'NewApi' } if the lint option has been disabled. Doesn't that mean that building a project ...
prom85's user avatar
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Android MainActivity's onCreate() Called Two time (Twice) on Initial Launch After Installing

**dependencies** { implementation("androidx.core:core-ktx:1.13.1") implementation("androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.7.1") implementation("
Sajawal Hussain's user avatar
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kmm data classes on swift: "init() is unavailable"

I have a kmm app, I use Firebase Firestore for this. On shared code "commonMain" (Kotlin), I have this class: @Serializable data class GeoPoint( var latitude: Double = 0.0, var ...
dhaval123's user avatar
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Room in multiplatform issue: AppDatabaseConstructor has no corresponding expected declaration

Can't use room in KMP desktop project, after following this guide: It gives me this error when compiling: AppDatabaseConstructor.kt:5:22 'actual object ...
NullPointerException's user avatar
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Kotlin top level functions break Xcode 16 previews in KMP projects?

I experience that if I have top level functions in my Kotlin code in a KMP project and use them in swift like UtilsKt.doSomethingForMe() the previews in Xcode 16 are not working and even crashing if ...
georgij's user avatar
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How to use collectAsState in an KMM app with ViewModel arhitecture [closed]

How to use collectAsState in an KMM app? Currently I use it in my app like this: UI: usersViewModel.userInfo.collectAsState(null).apply { //use data from userInfo } ViewModel: val userInfo = repo....
Cipri's user avatar
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