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Can not connect to ESP32 Broker using DNS from phone

as in title, I can not connect to ESP32 Broker using DNS from phone Background I am creating a MQTT broker on ESP32 using PicoMQTT library, and use ESPmDNS lib so I can access it via hostname instead ...
Khoa Nguyễn's user avatar
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Fastest way to get Name, Port and IP of devices in local network using Node.js

I am currently working on a React Native app in which I need to search for devices on my local network to then establish a TCP connection with the identified devices using the node-net library. For ...
julek5119's user avatar
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How to setup a mDNS in Rust for both registering and discovering?

I have two Rust programs in two devices. They communicate with each other via TCP. Since these two programs will distribute, I don't want to specify the IP address in the configs, rather I want to use ...
QuantumRiver's user avatar
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How can I run multiple instances of avahi-daemon on a single ubuntu server?

I'm trying to run multiple instances of the avahi-daemon on a single ubuntu server. My set up is currently an ubuntu server VM running on VMWare, with 3x Network Adapters each on a different VLAN. My ...
Pembury's user avatar
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How to retrieve MAC address of specific devices discovered via SSDP and mDNS in Node.js?

I'm developing a Node.js application where I'm discovering devices on my local network using SSDP and mDNS. I have successfully implemented device discovery with the following code snippet: const SSDP ...
Web Dev's user avatar
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`getaddrinfo` with `AF_UNSPEC` only returns IPv6 address on Windows

I'm calling getaddrinfo on Windows to query the IP address(es) of a Mac on my local network using mdns. The Mac has both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. static struct addrinfo* transport_resolve_host(const ...
TheNextman's user avatar
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React Native Zeroconf issue with resolving IP address on iOS 17+

I'm facing this issue where the MDNS cannot resolve the IP address when finding the service on a network, this is happening with iOS devices 17+, while with iOS 15 it works ok. I don't have iOS 16 to ...
Vlad's user avatar
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mDNS / Bonjour / UDP 5353 Port reusability

I'm wondering if there is a way to allow the device (in this case MBP - MacOS 14.4) other programs to reuse the 5353 port that bonjour uses. I'd like to also receive and listen to mDNS queries sent by ...
Programmer's user avatar
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UDP mDNS on MacOS using C, Rust, JVM - Packets not being received

I'll do my best to keep it short. While implementing multicast DNS protocols, I'm unable to listen to multicast DNS in either C or rust (However in JVM it works perfectly fine) I am watching network ...
Programmer's user avatar
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JmDNS create() function not working on my device

I am getting a strange error when trying to use JmDNS and I have no idea what's causing it. If, for example, I copy-paste the example program seen on the JmDNS readme file into Eclipse and run it, the ...
user23745692's user avatar
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Get addr and flags like IFF_UP and IFF_BROADCAST using rtnetlink

I've been using getifaddrs for getting all available local addresses (ipv4 and ipv6), to do DNS SD with. To test which addresses are up and capable to do broadcast requests, the flags set by ...
user1388973's user avatar
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Why can't QNAP and its containers be pinged by name, while others can?

In my local network, I have set up static DNS on the MikroTik router. All devices and PCs in the network are pingable by name, and on those where it's supported, you can also access them by name in ...
DyadyaGenya's user avatar
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Access ".local" domain name from Docker conatiner without having Avahi installed inside

The setup is: Proxmox Host, 1 Linux VM with reverse proxy in docker, 1 Linux VM with webapp in docker. Goal is to be able to access webapp from reverse proxy using avahi ".local" hostname. I ...
Dmitry Kompot's user avatar
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Resolve mDNS in local network with javascript from https origin

My goal Ping an esp32 device which is in a local network without internet and without https. Reason I have a node js server with a PWA hosted on This server is communicating with my esp32 ...
Dr.Random's user avatar
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The Web Share API in JavaScript does not support sharing text along with files and URLs

I am using the Web Share API in JavaScript. When I set all four properties - title, text, URL, and files, it only shares the URL and files, excluding the text. I attempted sharing on WhatsApp, Twitter,...
Rashid's user avatar
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