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How do I discover a Fire TV device with a custom player service using the service id?

I am probably missing something, but I cannot get device discovery to work for Fire TV devices with a custom player service. I initially was using the Fling SDK DeviceDiscovery API and couldn't get it ...
user15134436's user avatar
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Unable to implement MediaRouteButton in Jetpack Compose

I have been working on a POC where I have to cast the screen of my app to a chromecast built in tv whenever I am using the MediaRouteButton I am getting a crash and the error says "java.lang....
Scoobs's user avatar
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androidx media router and media session

I'm going through MediaRouter documentation: and it looks like I must use the media router button in order to connect and create a media session....
TheDragoner's user avatar
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Media Router find DEFAULT_ROUTE as Phone

`mediaRouter = MediaRouter.getInstance(getApplicationContext()); mediaRouteButton = findViewById(; MediaRouteSelector mediaRouteSelector = new MediaRouteSelector.Builder() ...
rv_5143's user avatar
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Android cast devices (Available Routes) are not showing on MediaRouterDialog in android?

I want to cast a local video to android tv or smart tv and I'm using the MediaRouter API for this but routes are not discovering on MediaRouterDialog event a youtube or other casting apps discovering ...
Afnan Akber's user avatar
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Can MediaRouter be used to detect mirroring?

I am using MediaRouter from androidx.mediarouter:mediarouter Can someone confirm, suggest a better solution, or correct me if this code can properly detect mirroring: fun Activity....
iknow's user avatar
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How to find the name of the currently selected media output?

What is the correct way to retrieve the name of the currently selected media audio output on Android? I have looked into the Audio Manager and Media Router APIs, but not been able to see any way of ...
ascu's user avatar
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Android SDK level 30 Cast Video to Chromecast using MediaRouter API

I want to cast my android app's UI to Chromecast device (connected to HDMI monitor) using MediaRouter with the latest apis in Android Q. I am able to do : 1)screencast to Samsung TV using SmartView ...
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How to display media metadata infomation in the Media Switch output?

I developed a media app with reference to UAMP, but I encountered the following problems. The media switch output screen opened from the notification cannot display the media information being played. ...
Allen Kuo's user avatar
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Restrict media routing for MediaStyle notification

When I create a MediaStyle notification, it exposes a button to choose media routing, like this one: see screenshot. How do I get rid of this button? Or at least, how can I restrict playback to only ...
RaNo's user avatar
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Android MediaRouter splitting audio and video routes to play video on external display via Presentation and audio via bluetooth

I am writing an app that utilizes an external display (HDMI and/or wireless miracast or chromecast display) to play video in a Presentation via the DisplayManager I am trying to force the audio from ...
Johnny C's user avatar
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How to reliably fetch and detect changes to the active audio route on Android?

I have a feature where I need to fetch current AND detect switch of the active audio output device of the system. Something like: run app -> fetch current device (which might be embedded speakers) ...
getacoafeza's user avatar
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MediaRouter BT active audio source id or MAC address

I need the active audio source id or MAC address to compare it with my own list of Bluetooth devices. MediaRouter.getSelectedRoute gives very basic information like the name, type of the device. I see ...
Siju's user avatar
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Flutter multiscreen using DisplayManager or MediaRouter

I'm developing an app in Flutter which is supposed to run on a POS with two screens. It's basically a tablet connected to another screen via a HDMI cable. My problem is that whatever I run on my side ...
Daniel Cunha's user avatar
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How to fix crash : ExoPlayer cast extension on Android 9

I have a crash in production since I've have release the ability to cast HLS video from my app to a Chromecast using the ExoPlayer Cast Extension. It happens 100% on Android 9 and on a variety of ...
Florang's user avatar
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