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How to publish slo/percentile distribution metrics for my micrometer timer?

The question originally came from the problem with metrics configuration for Spring Cloud Gateway, as there are no documentation neither on Micrometer nor Spring Cloud nor Spring side. When i enable ...
kairoslav's user avatar
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Is it possible to use Spring-Boot 3 / Micrometer @Observed annotation on methods without that Observation generating a metric for the method?

We're running into the problem where we want to use @Observed annotations to create tracing spans for methods in our code, which is helpful, but it is less-helpful that Micrometer seems to generate a ...
Rick Hanton's user avatar
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Micrometer LongTaskTimer timer in multiple instances?

How do I meter the same task performed on multiple worker instances? Say I have ten workers who take tasks from the queue and process them. Should I have a LongTaskTimer with a unique name for each ...
pixel's user avatar
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Micrometer does not work when used at separate services

Currently, I have 2 custom spring artefacts- metrics-util and web-utils. metrics-util contains all the functions related to measuring the metrics such as a web-filter to calculate the metrics of all ...
RektAngle's user avatar
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Kafka metrics for Spring-Kafka consumers - possibility to decrease number of threads 'micrometer-kafka-metrics'

I have Spring-Boot application with multiple consumers with the same consumer group using @KafkaListener from Spring-Kafka. After investigation, I discovered that per each consumer it creates 4 ...
Vasyl Sarzhynskyi's user avatar
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Spring boot 3 monitoring (observation, metrics)

the whole observation capability around spring boot 3 is a bit of confusing. We have pure spring framework capabilities, micrometer ones and spring boot 3 on top to auto-configure stuff for us. ...
radio's user avatar
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How to monitor event-consumer lag in Kafka with micrometer gauge metric?

I want to publish a metric "gauge" for the current lag of the consumer(Event listener) in Kafka. I want to monitor whether the messages are consumed at a good speed or whether it is too slow....
Jeet_dev's user avatar
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How to link metrics from different services

Assume we have two services A and B, and a metric X (say it counts the total number of user requests). The asynchronous request passes thru service A, where metric X is created (or its value is ...
Chad's user avatar
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How to plot max latency in grafana

I'm using Quarkus framework with Micrometer as the metrics library. I have configured reporting timers with percentiles histogram for certain endpoints. In Grafana, I've created a dashboard to monitor ...
Urb's user avatar
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How can I expose the Metrics of ActiveMQ Artemis running in embedded mode via Spring Boot 3.x actuators Micrometer metrics API?

How can I configure ActiveMQ Artemis and Spring Boot to expose the metrics of the embedded ActiveMQ Artemis via the actuator API? My goal is to expose it via the Prometheus endpoint so I can scrape it....
AverageLukas's user avatar
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Is there complete list of spring boot metrics with short description?

I briefly looked at actuator documentation but I was not able to find a list of metrics. The most detailed information provided here but I want to have more details: JVM Metrics Auto-configuration ...
gstackoverflow's user avatar
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How to capture distribution metrics of the redis cluster?

We have a redis cluster containing multiple redis instances. We also have a spring boot app that read from/write to this cluster. Now we want to use micrometer/prometheus/grafana to capture operation ...
SoT's user avatar
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Migrating Timer to Observation API in the Spring Boot 3

As of Spring Boot 3, the Micrometer timer is needed to migrate to the new Observation API as stated in the documentation. However, there is only an example for Timer.sample and I need to know about ...
D999_X's user avatar
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Read batch job params and add custom tags to built-in Spring Batch metrics

I would like to add custom tags to Spring Batch's built-in metrics. For example, out of the box Spring Batch comes with this:
ghostypants's user avatar
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@Timed metric not showing on prometheus enpoint

This is a method in my Controller that I want to find the latency of. this is not an api endpoint just a random method. @Timed("my_method") public JobParameters myMethod(String fileNames) {...
MoonPie's user avatar
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