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ECONNREFUSED while trying to connect gcp app engine with nodeJS server to gcp SQL

So i have NodeJS application with PostgreSQL which i wanted to host on GCP. Ive created instance of GCP SQL and i can sucessfully connect to it via PGadmin but i cannot connect via my code used on GCP ...
Hubert Kiszka's user avatar
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NodeJS / NestJS application SOAP listener with WS-Security

I need to expose a SOAP listener with WS-Security in a nodeJS /nestJS application. Currently, I did not find any existing library that supports WS-Security on the server listner side. According to the ...
Erik's user avatar
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ESBuild always fails with the signal SIGSEGV

Every time I try to install most packages, they fail with the signal SIGSEGV. I've tried everything, every solution on google, uninstalling and reinstalling node, etc. Nothing works. I have no errors ...
DiamondBroPlayz's user avatar
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Nopecha integration with playwrigth

Iam using playwright with nodejs and trying to solve the following captcha using nopecha without having to install the extension. Captcha screenshot. I installed Nopecha using Nodejs command "npm ...
Younes BEC's user avatar
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GitHub self-hosted runner for other branches are not pulling the latest changes

I have the following YAML file. On every push to the branch, it should pull the latest code, build, and restart the service. It is running successfully on every push but when I SSH into the server, ...
Ammar Khalid's user avatar
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How to Integrate LinkedIn API in Node.js for Fetching Recommendations

I am working on a Node.js project where I need to integrate the LinkedIn API to fetch recommendations for a user profile. I have reviewed the LinkedIn API documentation but am unclear on the step-by-...
Ajith D's user avatar
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Skip Functionality in WebRTC Omegle-like App Not Working After Deployment [closed]

`Problem Description: I am building an Omegle-like chat application that connects users after authentication. The app supports a skip functionality where a user can leave the current room and connect ...
Kushik's user avatar
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nodejs stdin, data event never triggers

Input data event not triggering. server.js const net = require('node:net'); const { stdin: input, stdout: output } = require('node:process'); const TCPServer = net.createServer().listen({port: 3000});...
BoB's user avatar
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Add new DOM element in Runtime using Node JS

In my server.js, I have a listener using tmi.js that gets the comments from a twitch channel, and I want to create a new DOM element everytime a new comment appears to display it on the page. What is ...
kanjas's user avatar
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Facing issue while creating Chat App using WebSocket in React

I'm new to react and working on react project - to build chat application. The logic is when new user logs in, all users name are displayed on the screen. This is done by events. When user logs in ...
Razak Shaik's user avatar
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Unable to fetch userinfo using access_token from auth0

I am trying to build a simple authentication library, and I am using axios instead of library built by auth0. I am unable to fetch the userdata using the access code. I am also using google provider ...
Souvik De's user avatar
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How to generate dynamic metadata from an Angular component using node js?

I want to create a library with components example pages generated automatically by a node js code. Using some Copilot help, I got this function to read the component's metadata, but it is returning ...
Marcos Laredo's user avatar
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Perfectly template/indent it in NextJS? [closed]

I am working on a Leetcode clone for my practice and projects. I have a PostgreSQL db where I have the questions and the answer template that will be viewed in the coding area. But the indentation do ...
Rohit's user avatar
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How do I call a cloud function using a service account from another cloud function?

I'm using cloud functions gen 1 and Node. The function in question is firebase authentication triggered, so it runs when a user signs up for my app. I can get a GoogleAuth token, but the target ...
arthurz12345's user avatar
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Why does fail with EPERM whre fs.rename() succeeds?

I want to serve some static files under the directory /var/www I would like to swap in a new set of files (which exist as, for example, /var/data/example) every few days or so. The server does not ...
gischer's user avatar
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