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Invalid token error while setting up OAuth2 SASL authentication on Kafka

I have the following setup: Kafka broker (3.9.0) Kafka producer (for now, using the producer-console in kafka itself) This setup works fine for basic TCP, TLS and even tried SASL authentication using ...
Omi's user avatar
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Apim policy to validat token for b2b and as well as b2c tenant token endpoints

Is it valid to add multiple validate-jwt policies for b2b and b2c endpoints in azure api management service for a single api ? # b2c endpoint <validate-jwt header-name="Authorization" ...
userahd's user avatar
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How to manage Azure AD authentication with private endpoints and WAF in a Spring Boot application?

I have configured Azure AD credentials in my Spring Boot project's file using the dependency spring-cloud-azure-starter-active-directory. Here is the configuration:
Venkatesh's user avatar
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Google sign-in from OS native app (without having a website)

I'd like to develop a Windows desktop widget with Google Calendar agenda in node.js environment (e.g React Native for Windows or Electron). Therefore, in order to be able to consume Google's Calendar ...
Axel Stone's user avatar
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How to resolve "X-Frame-Options: deny" issue during silent token refresh with iframe?

I am using silent refresh to renew the token in my application, which involves loading an iframe pointing to the Identity Server's endpoint. However, when the iframe tries to load the URL https://...
ayoubmrk's user avatar
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How to Integrate Oracle IDCS authentication with python FastAPI

How do we integrate Oracle identity Manager with Python FastAPI? Tried this with SDK code: def auth(request): options = getOptions() am = IdcsClient.AuthenticationManager(options) url = am....
Amit Kumar Bhakat's user avatar
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Cognito + ALB returns 401 only after first login (sign up)

I’ve set up Cognito with an Application Load Balancer (ALB) for authentication. After a user signs up and logs in for the first time, the ALB returns a 401 Unauthorized. However, if the user close the ...
Rubén Delgado's user avatar
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Prevent automatic Spring OAuth2 redirect

I am trying to follow along the Spring Boot OAuth2 example, which sadly seems to be a bit outdated. The article describes a simple Spring Boot application that outsources login to an OAuth 2.0 ...
Socrates's user avatar
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Why is idToken nested under data instead of top-level when using @react-native-google-signin/google-signin?

I’m using @react-native-google-signin/google-signin in my React Native app (for Android and iOS), and the documentation states that when I call GoogleSignin.signIn(), the returned userInfo object ...
Dedition's user avatar
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Spring Boot 3.x simplest Oauth2 app with github error: [invalid_token_response]

I am new to Spring Boot OAuth2 though I am familiar with Spring Boot. I want my first OAuth2 application to be the simplest possible. I found a tutorial on youtube that seemed to fit my needs: OAuth2 ...
chris457's user avatar
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Unable to make google sign in in debug mode

In a flutter application, I am using Google Oauth 2.0 client for signing in user. I have created separate client for web, debug and release build. Added sha1 for debug and release build. Debug build ...
newaz kabir's user avatar
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Getting spring login page for all oauth2 endpoints configured in java springboot

Hi I have configured java springboot OAuth2 Authorization server with default oauth2authorization server setting using OAuth2AuthorizationConfigurer class and oidc Customizer withDefault. Still i try ...
user28725746's user avatar
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Using ASP.Net Core Identity in parallel with OpenIdConnect OAuth2

I'm working on MVC project based on .NET 8.0. My site is using ASP.Net Core Identity for user authentication. It's working fine. I have to connect to remote server which is using OAuth2 ...
user28730373's user avatar
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Laravel 11 & Passport - "No Supported Authentication Provider Found for Token" Error

I’m using Laravel 11 with Laravel Passport 11.x to handle API authentication. I’ve set up Passport for OAuth2 authentication and personal access tokens. However, I’m encountering the following error ...
Sandy's user avatar
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OAuth2 Validating tokens on backend when using multiple providers

I'm quite new to using OAuth2 and was wondering how do you validate access tokens that multiple providers? I have a front end server that is allowing authentication from multiple provides (e.g, Google,...
Brian Michael Berrelez's user avatar

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