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Is there a way to track "downloads" of Apple Wallet or Google Wallet for my app?

Does Google or Apple provide statistics on wallet usage through either of their developer portals? I'd like to track or count the number of times the Mobile Wallet version of my app (the barcode, ...
savingstrangers's user avatar
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Links in Apple Wallet pass not interactive

I have a Apple Wallet Pass with a back field declared like so: { key: 'EnableLink', label: 'Powered by', value: '', attributedValue: "<a href=''>Enable....
DJRockstar1's user avatar
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Pkpass generation fails after yearly signature renewal

I am generating the pkpass files via an AWS Lambda function. So far I have been using the certificate.pem, private.key and wwdr.pem certificates with wallet-3kpy( ...
YuKa's user avatar
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Is it possible to test NFC pass functionality on a device without having an NFC certificate?

I've created a pass.json file that will sign and open flawlessly as long as I omit the NFC dictionary. On my device, I've enabled the developer setting "NFC Pass Key Optional" which I ...
Risible's user avatar
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Passbook Passes expiring after a day

Generating a passbook file using passkit4j with relevance date of today and no expiration date. However, the pass in apple wallet seems to expire after a day. Question: How can I make pass with no ...
another_CS_guy's user avatar
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Passbook: line breaks in PKBarcodeFormatQR

I'm trying to build a wallet card included a VCF contact in the QR Code. I got an issue with the line breaks, that are mandatory in VCF contact format. I included my VCF String like this (build in PHP)...
dcr31000's user avatar
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Cannot open passkit file created in the server using dotnet-passbook v3.0.2

I have recently come across an issue that I cannot open my Pkpass which is created using dotnet-passbook version 3.2.0. The Pkpass created locally can be opened fine and the issue is with the Pkpass ...
Shahryar Faraji's user avatar
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Generating Apple Wallet Pass

I'm trying to generate Apple Wallet pass for one of my client but for some reasons related to Certificate signing I cannot generate a valid pass file. I've tried to use public key and private key for ...
Joe 's user avatar
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Error when generating Apple Pass (nodejs) with @walletpass/pass-js

When trying to generate my Apple Pass using @walletpass/pass-js package, I'm getting Bag Attributes SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier. I have created the right .p12 certificate for the designated ...
Shahryar Faraji's user avatar
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Apple Wallet / Passbook / Passkit: Register for push endpoint is called over and over

We have implemented the register for push endpoint, but sometimes the endpoint is called with exactly the same arguments over and over up to a couple of thousand times. The first call returns 201 and ...
user3677636's user avatar
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No notification on passbook update

The project I work on is using a website and a PWA and not native apps. Because of this, I turned to Apple Wallet to notify my users with push notifications. I used this page from Apple documentation ...
KaladinStormBlessed's user avatar
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PKPassLibrary not removing pass

I am implementing apple in-app provisioning and I am able to add a credit card to apple wallet via my app for iPhone and Watch. and I am able to get all these passes and work with them ... but when I ...
Lukáš Šálek's user avatar
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Safari is throwing a error while downloading .pkpass

I have a web-server with node.js backend, which builds up a .pkpass files (certified and everything is ok). In pass.json webServiceURL = 'addressToBackEndpoint' for pass update and a ...
Konstantin Mironov's user avatar
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pkpass: Unknown encoding of JSON format (iOS Wallet pass file)

I am trying to open a .pkpass file (or merely the contained pass.json file) in an app I am developing, however, while I didn't have issues with 3 passes I tried, the 4th seems to have some kind of ...
user826955's user avatar
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IOS pkpass download multiple passes at once

So I've managed to have single pkpass working with download button. However I am looking for solution that let's you download multiple passes at once for example for multiple legs tickets. there is ...
uneasy's user avatar
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