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Revenuecat Fix Prewarm Issue for Flutter

From the docs In certain cases, iOS may prewarm your app - this essentially means your app will be launched silently in the background to improve app launch times for your users. If you are not ...
Göktürk's user avatar
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what is a returnURL after successful payPal transaction while using flutter_paypal in flutter mobile app

I am working on paypal transaction in my flutter app by using flutter_paypal package. The thing which I dont understand is how to return back the user to app after successful transaction. The paypal ...
flutter dev's user avatar
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Why do I get 401 with Ayden?

I am having two problems. The workflow: I want to payout third party people based on their credit / debit cards (who has not any registrations at all). The first problem is that I cannot find my ...
Olivér Jankó's user avatar
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Can users be redirected to airlines for payment using the Amadeus Flights API?

I’m creating an Mobile App with ReactNative + Rails, using the Amadeus Flights API. My goal is to search for flights, retrieve prices, and book flights. This part is well-documented and already ...
dfop02's user avatar
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How can I replicate a purchase through the dev console?

so I recently wanted to subscribe to YouTube Premium Family Membership in Nigeria. Sadly the option for the family plan wasnt available in the account. Upon creating a second account, I was able to ...
zenx09's user avatar
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Google Pay also as a payment gateway for future payments?

I want to save a token from Google Pay for future payments? Is that possible? Or does I need using Stripe? Do you know any Google api that can help me? Answer from ChatGPT but maybe not updated?: ...
BFH's user avatar
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Telegram stars payment invalid

I made a telegram bot integrated with mongodb to handle payments through getting telegram stars from users, but I get the error telebot.apihelper.ApiTelegramException: A request to the Telegram API ...
yo ndk tau's user avatar
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DEVELOPER_ERROR in loadPaymentData: An error occurred in call back, please try to avoid this by setting structured error in callback response

I am attempting to create a google pay button with react however when I try and place an order i get the below error. DEVELOPER_ERROR in loadPaymentData: An error occurred in call back, please try to ...
Andile Masela's user avatar
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Stripe Checkout one time payment webhooks

I’m doing an app with Stripe payments for the first time. After researching, I’ll be using Stripe Checkout for one time payments (no subscriptions), Firebase Cloud Functions and Firebase Realtime ...
Moo33's user avatar
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Error 199 in JazzCash Sandbox Testing During Django Integration

I'm trying to integrate the JazzCash Payment Gateway with my Django project using the HTTP POST Redirect method, but I'm encountering Error 199 from their portal. I've followed the setup in their ...
Junaid Saleem's user avatar
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You are not authorized to view this page. The transaction has not been processed. Cybersource Secure Hosted Checkout

I am trying to make Secure Hosted Checkout with cybersource payment gateway but constantly getting this error while checking out. `$access_key = "xxx"; $profile_id = "xxx-F35F-43D3-...
Bishal Jung Chettri's user avatar
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Stripe Embedded Checkout Page Not Loading for First time on some devices

I am having a issue in my flask website. I have implemented Stripe Embedded Checkout into the website. But somehow on new devices when they hit checkout Stripe Checkout page doesn't load just keeps ...
Roni Patel's user avatar
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Payment redirecct issues using sslcommerz

There is an issue with my code. After payment, it redirects here http://localhost:5173/order/$%7Border._id%7D' order?.\_id is not undefined. But Page displays an error; something like the: site can't ...
Sakib Hasan's user avatar
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How to make payouts to individuals' credit cards?

We are developing a SaaS solution. One of the platform's main aspects is the referral and affiliate programs. We pay a commission to the user who brings clients. For the main activity, we could use ...
trigger's user avatar
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How to verify callback from 3D Secure without a signature?

I'm currently integrating's 3D Secure as described in their documentation: 3D Secure Documentation. I've set up the back_url as instructed for handling the redirect after 3D Secure ...'s user avatar

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