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Angular v19 pdfMake cannot see its typing

In prep for an angular upgrade I've created a v19 ng instance and installed pdfMake & its typing npm package. I'm working throught the examples on the pdfMake site and using their code and I'm ...
Darren Street's user avatar
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Generate Dynamic PDF documents ( React.js & pdfMake)

Using react i want to generate dynamic PDFs the content of the PDF is very dynamic, a combo of texts, tables, columns, stacks ... and nested tables with stacks and so on ... Before I inserting a new ...
Kitani Islam's user avatar
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How to Dynamically Center Elements in a Column with pdfMake?

I'm generating a PDF using pdfMake, and I'm having trouble dynamically centering elements within a column on the page. Specifically, I want to center an image and some text within a column, but the ...
Paul Luczak's user avatar
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Generate PDF with NestJS typescript using pdfmake library

I wasn't able to find information about how implement this library in nest js beacuse documentation is incomplete so am letting this here, you need first npm install pdfmake --save and npm install @...
Jeferson Narvaez's user avatar
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How to create PDF using pdfMake in react having pages in landscape orientation and split in two like book pages

I am creating a PDF file form my react app inserting some images, tables and text and its working perfectly fine in potrait mode. But now i need a change in design of that exported pdf so that i can ...
Waqar Qureshi's user avatar
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no such file: pdfmake font issue in prod with vercel (astro)

I've implemented a pdf download from an api route /api/export in Astro, it works good in localhost, but in prod it fails. I've tried literally everything... even after that, I've not been able to make ...
Diego Ulloa's user avatar
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How to export react mui charts as PDF from the server side

Im using mui to draw charts in my frontend, specifically a barchart and a piechart and i would like to know how can i export them from the backend as pdfs, im currently using pdfmake but i cant really ...
HamzaDev's user avatar
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jqGrid - Show Page Numbers In Export To PDF

I'm using Guriddo jqGrid JS-v5.8.2 with pdfmake 0.2.7 I can print the jqGrid to PDF, but I want the print out to show page numbers in the footer for example. Here's what I have $("#...
Beachdog's user avatar
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Headers not showing in second table with PDFMake

I am using PDFMake to generate two tables side by side in a PDF. The first table renders correctly and shows the text in its header row, but the second table in the right column shows the header row ...
MeesterZee's user avatar
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Cannot search for text that contains the letter 'f' in the PDF generated using PDFMake

I generated some words that contain the letter 'f' in the PDF generated using PDFMake, for example, "Waffle" or "Leflaive", but I am unable to search using any substrings that ...
Tran Loc's user avatar
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Handling RTL (Arabic) Text in pdfmake with Proper Formatting

I'm currently working on generating PDFs using pdfmake and need to include Arabic text, which requires proper handling of RTL (Right-To-Left) formatting. However, I'm facing issues with the display of ...
Abdul Hannan's user avatar
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PDF conversion to different page format using pdfjam

Basically, I have pdf letters generated in various of formats like A4, A3 and customers would like to convert those formats into Letter format All pdfs are created using pdfmake library in node.js ...
GGO's user avatar
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Hide toolbar when viewing pdf in firefox using Pdfmake.js

Im using pdfmake to open a pdf using vue 3 js. Issue is that in firefox browser there is a toolbar visible which has option to edit. This should be prevented. Using below code to open a pdf in new tab ...
Pratz09's user avatar
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How do I correctly render glyphs in dataTables PDF export?

I am using dataTables to render a table of best times for a swim team. There are two levels of qualifying times in the applicable universe, and I am annotating times in the table with unicode star ...
Eddie Rowe's user avatar
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Why arrow mark under SVG tag is not exporting to PDF using PDFMake

I am creating highchart and after creating that on UI SVG tag is formed. I am trying to export that SVG image into PDF using PDFMake, I am able to export that full SVG properly except one arrow mark ...
Mitesh's user avatar
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